Nevron .NET Vision
Inheritance Hierarchy
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    Nevron.Diagram.Layout Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassThe NBalloonTreeLayout class is a tree layout, which tries to compact the drawing area of the tree and places the vertices in balloons around the root.
    ClassThe NBarycenterForce class represents an edge force, which tries to place connected vertices at their barycenter (center of gravity)
    ClassThe NBarycenterLayout class represents a force directed layout, which implements the barycenter layout method.
    ClassThe NBody class represents a visually arrangeable abstract shape, which can optionally represent a logical object. Layouts actually arrange bodies.
    ClassThe NBody1D class represents a body, which behaves like a line connecting 2D bodies.
    ClassThe NBody2D class represents a body, which behaves like a box
    ClassThe NBodyAdapter class is an adapter, which is used to abstract layouts, from the actual way in which an object is represented by a body.
    ClassThe NBodyContainerAdapter abstract class is used to abstract layouts from the actual container, in which the bodies are layed out
    ClassThe NBounceBackForce class represents a vertices force, which simulates a repulsion between overrlapping vertices
    ClassThe NCellBody class represents a 2D body, which serves as body for objects arranged by cell layouts
    ClassThe NCellBodyList class represents a typed list of NCellBody instances
    ClassThe NCellsLayout class represents a layout, which serves as base class for layouts, which can arrange cells
    ClassThe NCellsLayoutCancelEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with cancelable cells layout events
    ClassThe NCellsLayoutCancelEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with cells layout events
    ClassThe base class for all circular layouts
    ClassThe NClassicalTreeLayout class represents a directed tree layout, which serves as base class for all classical tree layouts.
    ClassThe NCompactDepthTreeLayout class represents a classical tree layout, which compacts the depth of the tree drawing area.
    ClassThe NConstrainedCellsLayout class represents a directed cells layout, the cells placement of which can be constrained in the layout direction
    ClassThe NDesiredDistanceForce is a force, which couples an attraction force (edge force), and a repulsion force (vertex force). The two forces balance each other when the distance between connected vertices is equal to the specified desired distance.
    ClassThe NDirectedCellsLayout class represents a cells layout, which serves as base class for cells layout algorithms, whose cells direction can be controlled.
    ClassThe NDirectedGraphLayout class represents a graph layout, which serves as base class for all graph layouts, whose direction can be controlled
    ClassThe NDirectedTreeLayout class represents a tree layout, which serves as base class for tree layouts, whose direction can be controlled.
    ClassThe NDockLayout class represents a cells layout, which layouts the cells by subsequently docking them to cells defined docking areas.
    ClassThe NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter is a body container adapter, which adapts a drawing document.
    ClassThe NDrawingLayoutContext class serves as a bridge between the layout and the user.
    ClassThe NElectricalForce class represents a vertices force, which simulates the electrical repulsion between two ellectrically charged particles.
    ClassThe NFixedVertexPlacement class is used to encapsulate the initial placement of the fixed vertices in a force directed layout.
    ClassThe NFlowLayout class represents a constrained cells layout, which arranges the cells in horizontal or vertical lanes.
    ClassThe NForce class serves as base class for all types of forces, which can be used in force directed layouts
    ClassThe NForceDirectedLayout class is a graph layout, which layouts the graph vertices and edges, according to the forces acting on them. It serves as base class for all types of force directed layouts.
    ClassThe NForceEnvironment class is used to encapsulate the force directed layout settings related to the global environment in which the forces operate
    ClassThe NForceList class represents a typed list of NForce instances
    ClassThe NFreeVertexPlacement class is used to encapsulate the initial placement of the free vertices in a force directed layout.
    ClassThe NGraphLayout class represents a regioned layout, whose regions are graphs. It serves as a base class for all graph layouts.
    ClassThe NGraphLayoutCancelEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with cancelable graph layout events
    ClassThe NGraphLayoutCancelEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with graph layout events
    ClassThe NGraphPartsLayout class represents a layout, which serves as base class for graph and tree layouts.
    ClassThe NGraphRegion class represents a region, whose content is a graph
    ClassThe NGravityForce class represents a global force, which simulates a gravity attraction to the current barycenter of the graph
    ClassThe NLayeredGraphLayout class is a graph layout, which layouts the graph vertices and edges bodies of an acyclic graph on layers.
    ClassThe NLayeredTreeLayout class represents a classical tree layout, which arranges the tree levels in layers.
    ClassThe NLayout abstract class serves as base class for all layout algorithms
    ClassThe NLayoutCancelEventArgs class serves as base class for all cancelable layout event arguments
    ClassThe NLayoutContext class is used to abstract the layouts with the actual types and relations between the objects it layouts and container in which they are hosted. It serves as a bridge between the layouts and their user.
    ClassThe NLayoutEventArgs class serves as base class for all layout event arguments
    ClassThe NMagneticFieldForce is an edge force, which is used to impose an edge orientation constrain
    ClassImplements the Orthogonal Graph Layout.
    ClassThe NParentPlacement class represents an attribute, which is used to encapsulate the horizontal or vertical placement of a parent tree vertex in respect to its children or subtree.
    ClassThe NPlugSpacing attribute is used to space plugs connected to a single side port.
    ClassIn Radial Graph Layout the focus node is placed at the center of the display and all other nodes are laid out around it
    ClassThe NRegion class serves as base class for different connected graph components (e.g. graph and tree regions).
    ClassThe NRegionList class represents a typed list of NRegion instances
    ClassThe NShapeBodyAdapter represents an object body adapter, which provides layouts with the ability to adapt shapes to bodies and vise-versa.
    ClassThe single cycle layout arranges shapes on a single circle
    ClassThe NSpringForce class represents an edge force, which simulates a spring connecting adjacent vertices.
    ClassThe NSpringLayout class represents a force directed layout, which simulates a physical system with spring and electical forces.
    ClassThe NStackLayout class represents a directed cells layout, which stacks the cells in horizontal or vertical order.
    ClassThe NSymmetricalLayout class is a force directed layout, which simulates a physical system with repulsive and attractive forces, which strive to produce a symmetrical drawing of a graph.
    ClassThe NTipOverTreeLayout class is a tree layout, which places the children of a vertex in a single row or column.
    ClassThe NTreeLayout class represents a graph parts layout, whose regions are trees. It serves as a base class for all tree layouts.
    ClassThe NTreeLayoutEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with cancelable tree layout events
    ClassThe NTreeLayoutEventArguments represents the event arguments associated with tree layout events
    ClassThe NTreeRegion class represents a layout item, whose content is a tree
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about cancelable cells layouts
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about cells layouts
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about cancelable graph layouts
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about graph layouts
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about cancelable tree layouts
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive information about tree layouts
    EnumerationEnumerates the types of body areas
    EnumerationDefines the possible modes, in which a constrained directed cells layout can be constrained
    EnumerationEnumerates the sizes of the cell content
    EnumerationDefines the directions in which the directed cells layout, must place adjacent cells
    EnumerationEnumerates the measurements, which can be requested for a cell
    EnumerationDefines the ways, in which content can be placed horizontally or vertically within a content holder box
    EnumerationEnumerates the docking areas, in which the cells in a dock layout can be docked
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes for dock layoutss
    EnumerationDefines the ways, in which the fixed vertices can be initially placed by a force directed layout
    EnumerationDefines the ways, in which the free vertices can be initially placed by a force directed layout
    EnumerationDefines the possible cellsizing modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the edge routing styles for layered layouts
    EnumerationEnumerates the ranking policies for layered layouts
    EnumerationDefines the possible expand directions for directed layouts
    EnumerationEnumerates the allowed angles at which a layout can be rotated
    EnumerationDefines the possible types of magnetic field directions
    EnumerationDefines the ways in which a force directed edge body can be magnetized
    EnumerationDefines the predefined places at which a parent tree vertex can be anchored in respect to its subtree or children
    EnumerationDefines the anchors at which plugs can be glued
    EnumerationEnumerates the ways in which plugs can be spaced
    EnumerationDefines the predefined configurations of ports for vertices in tree layouts
    EnumerationDefines the possible relative alignment used by directed layouts
    EnumerationDefines the routing styles of 1D bodies
    EnumerationDefines the way, in which the spring force is affected by its natural and current length
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes for stack layouts
    EnumerationDefines the possible ways for placing the children in a tip over tree layout
    See Also