Nevron .NET Vision
User Interface for .NET / User's Guide / Custom Controls / ListBox

In This Topic
    In This Topic

    Nevron User Interface overrides and extends the standard Windows Forms ListBox greatly. Together with full appearance customization features, the NListBox control also encapsulates the functionality of a CheckedListBox. Simply assign a boolean value and the listbox will have checkboxes and expose functionality of a checked listbox.


    This topic will focus on using the custom functionality of the control such as checkboxes and custom items.

     Using The NListBoxItem Object

    In order to provide image and checkbox support per item, Nevron UI uses a custom object that stores basic information such as image index, text, checked, image size and tag. Internally, any added object is converted to a NListBox item, which holds the specified object as a tag. For example if you add some object directly to the Items collection of the list box, this object will be boxed within a NListBoxItem and you will have access to it via the Tag property of the item.


    The following example demonstrates how to add items to a NListBox:

    Copy Code
    NListBox listBox = new NListBox();
    //create a NListBoxItem and assign its properties
    NListBoxItem item = new NListBoxItem();
    item.Tag = myData;
    item.ImageIndex = 1;
    item.Checked = true;
    item.Text = "Test Item";
    //add object directly to the Items collection
    //in this case internally a NListBoxItem will be created and its tag will be the object itself
    //for item's text is used the object.ToString() method
    //note that the SelectedItem will always return a NListBoxItem
    //use the SelectedItemTag instead if you want to retrieve the tag
    NTextBox textBox = listBox.SelectedItemTag as NTextBox;
    //or you may get the item and use its Tag value
    NListBoxItem item = listBox.SelectedItem;
    textBox = item.Tag as NTextBox;
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim listBox As NListBox = New NListBox()
    'create a NListBoxItem and assign its properties
    Dim item As NListBoxItem = New NListBoxItem()
    item.Tag = myData
    item.ImageIndex = 1
    item.Checked = True
    item.Text = "Test Item"
    'add object directly to the Items collection
    'in this case internally a NListBoxItem will be created and its tag will be the object itself
    'for item's text is used the object.ToString() method
    'note that the SelectedItem will always return a NListBoxItem
    'use the SelectedItemTag instead if you want to retrieve the tag
    Dim textBox As NTextBox = TryCast(listBox.SelectedItemTag, NTextBox)
    'or you may get the item and use its Tag value
    Dim item As NListBoxItem = listBox.SelectedItem
    textBox = TryCast(item.Tag, NTextBox)
     Using The Check Boxes Functionality


    In order to display check boxes, the CheckBoxes property must be set to true. A checkbox will appear on the left side of all items. Using the left mouse button (or programmatically, by specifying item's property Checked) you can toggle the checked state of an item. A CheckedChanged event is fired whenever an item's checked state has changed. You can track all the checked items via the CheckedItems property of the listbox. There are two check styles - standard and radio. The difference is that in standard mode multiple items can be selected while in radio only one may be checked at a time.


    The following example demonstrates how to create and use the ckeckboxes functionality of a NListBox control:

    Copy Code
    NListBox listBox = new NListBox();
    listBox.CheckBoxes = true;
    listBox.CheckStyle = CheckStyle.Radio;
    listBox.ImageList = this.imageList1;
    //specify the default image index for all items
    listBox.DefaultImageIndex = 1;
    //add some items to the listbox
    NListBoxItem item;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        item = new NListBoxItem(i, "Item " + i.ToString(), false);
    //hook to the CheckedChanged event
    listBox.CheckedChanged += new NListBoxItemCheckedEventHandler(OnListBoxCheckedChanged);
    private void OnListBoxCheckedChanged(object sender, NListBoxItemCheckEventArgs e)
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim listBox As NListBox = New NListBox()
    listBox.CheckBoxes = True
    listBox.CheckStyle = CheckStyle.Radio
    listBox.ImageList = Me.imageList1
    'specify the default image index for all items
    listBox.DefaultImageIndex = 1
    'add some items to the listbox
    Dim item As NListBoxItem
    For i As Integer = 0 To 10 Step 1
        item = New NListBoxItem(i, "Item " + i.ToString(), False)
    'hook to the CheckedChanged event
    AddHandler CheckedChanged, AddressOf OnListBoxCheckedChanged
    Private Sub OnListBoxCheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NListBoxItemCheckEventArgs) Handles listBox.CheckedChanged
    End Sub