Nevron .NET Vision
User Interface for .NET / User's Guide / Custom Forms / Task Dialog

In This Topic
    Task Dialog
    In This Topic
    The NTaskDialog is a modern replacement of the standard plain MessageBox plus feature-rich user input dialog. Inspired by the excellent TaskDialogs in Microsoft Windows Vista, our component will bring to your Windows Forms applications platform independent Vista-like experience.

    The dialog’s Show method will return the id (integer value) of the clicked button rather than a value from the DialogResult enumeration. You may examine the returned result like this:

    Copy Code
    int result = myTaskDialog.Show();
    if(result != (int)DialogResult.OK)
    // continue with application logic
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim result As Integer = myTaskDialog.Show()
    If result <> CInt(DialogResult.OK) Then
    ' continue with application logic
     Standard Features

    The default, non-customized task dialog will behave like a standard message box. Specify the title, content’s text and/or icon, common buttons (the default one is "OK") and call its Show method:

     User-defined Buttons

    In many cases you will need a message box with buttons are not "common" – for example you may not change the text or order of the standard ones. The NTaskDialog overcomes this limitation by exposing an additional array of user-definable NPushButtonElement generic UI elements which are completely customizable in any aspect of visual representation.

    The following example demonstrates how to create and assign custom buttons to an NTaskDialog:

    Copy Code
    using Nevron.UI;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
    NTaskDialog dialog = new NTaskDialog ();
    dialog.Title = "My Task Dialog";
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information;
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = new NSize(32, 32);
    dialog.Content.Text = "Performing my custom task...";
    NPushButtonElement cancelButton = new NPushButtonElement();
    cancelButton.Text = "<b>Cancel Download</b>";
    cancelButton.Id = 1;
    NPushButtonElement pauseButton = new NPushButtonElement();
    pauseButton.Text = "<b>Pause Download</b>";
    pauseButton.Id = 2;
    // assign the newly created buttons to the dialog
    dialog.UserButtons = new NPushButtonElement[] { cancelButton, pauseButton};
    // display the dialog to the user
    int result = dialog.Show();
    // perform specific action
        case 1:
        case 2:
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Imports Nevron.UI
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls
    Dim dialog As NTaskDialog = New NTaskDialog ()
    dialog.Title = "My Task Dialog"
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = New NSize(32, 32)
    dialog.Content.Text = "Performing my custom task..."
    Dim cancelButton As NPushButtonElement = New NPushButtonElement()
    cancelButton.Text = "<b>Cancel Download</b>"
    cancelButton.Id = 1
    Dim pauseButton As NPushButtonElement = New NPushButtonElement()
    pauseButton.Text = "<b>Pause Download</b>"
    pauseButton.Id = 2
    ' assign the newly created buttons to the dialog
    dialog.UserButtons = New NPushButtonElement() { cancelButton, pauseButton}
    ' display the dialog to the user
    Dim result As Integer = dialog.Show()
    ' perform specific action
    Select Case result
        case 1
        case 2
    End Select 

     Large Buttons

    The NTaskDialog exposes yet another array of user-definable buttons which are laid-out and displayed in a different way. Large buttons expand all the client width of the dialog and are arranged in a vertical stack straight under the Content area. They are also painted in a slightly different way – in "Normal" state they do not have a background style applied.

    Large buttons are created and specified in much the same way as the standard user buttons in the upper example.

     Marquee Progress

    Often an application needs to display a dialog notifying that an operation with indeterminate length is currently running. Our NTaskDialog comes with a built-in support for displaying a marquee progress along with the rest of the content and buttons.

    The following example demonstrates how to create and show a dialog which displays marquee progress:

    Copy Code
    using Nevron.UI;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
    NTaskDialog dialog = new NTaskDialog ();
    dialog.Title = "Marquee Progress Task Dialog";
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information;
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = new NSize(32, 32);
    dialog.Content.Text = "Downloading...";
    dialog.ProgressType = TaskDialogProgressType.Marquee;
    // start the marquee loop as it is not started by default
    // display the dialog to the user
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Imports Nevron.UI
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls
    Dim dialog As NTaskDialog = New NTaskDialog ()
    dialog.Title = "Marquee Progress Task Dialog"
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = New NSize(32, 32)
    dialog.Content.Text = "Downloading..."
    dialog.ProgressType = TaskDialogProgressType.Marquee
    ' start the marquee loop as it is not started by default
    ' display the dialog to the user

     Standard Progress Bar
    The NTaskDialog component may also display a standard progress bar instead of a marquee one. Simply set the ProgressType property to be TaskDialogProgressType.Standard.

    Yet another useful add-on in the NTaskDialog over the standard message box is the so called "Verification" – a check box with additional option – like "Do not display this message again". The verification will be displayed under the user buttons, before the footer.

    The following example demonstrates how to create and show a task dialog which displays verification:

    Copy Code
    using Nevron.UI;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
    NTaskDialog dialog = new NTaskDialog ();
    dialog.Title = "Save File";
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Warning;
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = new NSize(32, 32);
    dialog.Content.Text = "Are you sure you want to exit without saving the file?";
    dialog.PredefinedButtons = TaskDialogButtons.Yes | TaskDialogButtons.No | TaskDialogButtons.Cancel;
    // specify verification text
    dialog.Verification.Text = "Remember my choice and do not remind me again";
    // display the dialog to the user
    // determine the state of the verification
    if(dialog.Verification.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
        // remember the user’s choice
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Imports Nevron.UI
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls
    Dim dialog As NTaskDialog = New NTaskDialog ()
    dialog.Title = "Save File"
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Warning
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = New NSize(32, 32)
    dialog.Content.Text = "Are you sure you want to exit without saving the file?"
    dialog.PredefinedButtons = TaskDialogButtons.Yes Or TaskDialogButtons.No Or TaskDialogButtons.Cancel
    ' specify verification text
    dialog.Verification.Text = "Remember my choice and do not remind me again"
    ' display the dialog to the user
    ' determine the state of the verification
    If dialog.Verification.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
        ' remember the user’s choice
    End If

    The footer in the NTaskDialog is represented by an NLabelElement which is positioned at the bottom of the client rectangle.
    Additionally you may enable a timer which may be used for various tasks like updating the progress, content text, verification state, etc. Simply specify the EnableTimer and TimerInterval properties of the dialog.

    The task dialog provides a convenient way for hooking to different notifications like Loaded, Closing/Closed, ButtonClick, TimerTick, etc. via a delegate which is called for every notification.

    The following example demonstrates how to create and show a task dialog which displays an increasing progress-bar:

    Copy Code
    using Nevron.UI;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm;
    using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
    NTaskDialog dialog = new NTaskDialog ();
    dialog.Title = "File Download";
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information;
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = new NSize(32, 32);
    dialog.Content.Text = "Downloading...";
    dialog.PredefinedButtons = TaskDialogButtons.Cancel;
    // specify verification text
    dialog.Verification.Text = "Close this dialog when download is complete";
    // display a standard progress bar
    dialog.ProgressType = TaskDialogProgressType.Standard;
    // enable the timer
    dialog.EnableTimer = true;
    dialog.TimerInterval = 100;
    dialog.Notify += new NTaskDialogCallBack(OnTaskDialogCallBack);
    // display the dialog to the user
    // the callback implementation
    private void OnTaskDialogCallBack(object sender, NTaskDialogEventArgs e)
        if(e.Notification == TaskDialogNotification.TimerTick)
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Imports Nevron.UI
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm
    Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls
    Dim dialog As NTaskDialog = New NTaskDialog ()
    dialog.Title = "File Download"
    dialog.Content.Image = NSystemImages.Information
    dialog.Content.ImageSize = New NSize(32, 32)
    dialog.Content.Text = "Downloading..."
    dialog.PredefinedButtons = TaskDialogButtons.Cancel
    ' specify verification text
    dialog.Verification.Text = "Close this dialog when download is complete"
    ' display a standard progress bar
    dialog.ProgressType = TaskDialogProgressType.Standard
    ' enable the timer
    dialog.EnableTimer = True
    dialog.TimerInterval = 100
    AddHandler Notify, AddressOf OnTaskDialogCallBack
    ' display the dialog to the user
    ' the callback implementation
    Private Sub OnTaskDialogCallBack(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NTaskDialogEventArgs) Handles dialog.Notify
        If e.Notification = TaskDialogNotification.TimerTick Then 
            e.Dialog.ProgressBar.Value += 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Note that the "sender" parameter of the callback depends on the notification – for example it will be an NPushButtonElement for ButtonClick and the internally created NForm for Loaded.

    See Also