Framework / Thin Web / Tools / Image Map Tools
In This Topic
    Image Map Tools
    In This Topic

    The ThinWeb control provides a set of tools, which when present the controller tools collection emulate the functionality of a HTML image map. The following table lists each tool and provides a short description of the tool functionality:

    Type Description
    NBrowserRedirectTool Navigates the client browser to the URL specified in the Url interactivity attribute of the chart or diagram document element that is below the mouse.
    NTooltipTool Shows a tooltip text or HTML specified in the Toolip interactivity attribute of the chart or diagram document element that is below the mouse.
    NCursorTool Changes the browser cursor to the cursor attribute of the chart or diagram document element that is below the mouse.

    The following code snippets show to use these tools in the context of the chart and diagram ThinWeb controls.

    Nevron Chart ThinWeb

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    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    if (!NThinChartControl1.Initialized)


    // get the default chart
    NChart chart = NThinChartControl1.Charts[0];

    // add bar serires to the chart
    NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();

    // add one bar

    NInteractivityStyle interactivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle();

    // configure the interactivity style
    interactivityStyle.Cursor.Type = CursorType.Hand;
    interactivityStyle.Tooltip.Text =
    "Click here to jump to <b>Nevron website</b>";
    interactivityStyle.UrlLink.Url =;
    bar.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle;

    // configure the controller
    // Create a cursor tool
    NThinChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NCursorTool());

    // Create a tooltip tool
    NTooltipTool tooltipTool = new NTooltipTool();

    // time in milliseconds before showing a tooltip

    tooltipTool.InitialDelay = 1000;

    // time in milliseconds showing the the tooltip
    tooltipTool.PopDelay = 5000;
    // // time in before showing another tooltip
    tooltipTool.ReshowDelay = 0;
    // time in milliseconds fading out the tooltip
    tooltipTool.FadeOutDelay = 500;
    // whether the tooltip follows the mouse
    tooltipTool.FollowMouse = true;

    // Create a browser redirect tool
    NBrowserRedirectTool browserRedirectTool = new NBrowserRedirectTool();

    // whether to open the url link in a new browser window
    browserRedirectTool.OpenLinkInNewWindow = true;




    Nevron Diagram ThinWeb

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    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    if (!NThinDiagramControl1.Initialized)


    // add the client mouse event tool

    NDrawingDocument document = NThinDiagramControl1.Document;
    document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible =
    document.AutoBoundsPadding =
    new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(10f, 10f, 10f, 10f);
    document.Style.FillStyle =
    new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);

    NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);
    NShape circle = factory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Circle);
    circle.Bounds =
    new NRectangleF(0f, 0f, 200f, 200f);

    NInteractivityStyle interactivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle();

    // configure the interactivity style
    interactivityStyle.Cursor.Type = CursorType.Hand;
    interactivityStyle.Tooltip.Text =
    "Click here to jump to <b>Nevron website</b>";
    interactivityStyle.UrlLink.Url = "";

    circle.Style.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle;


    // configure the controller

    // Create a cursor tool
    NThinDiagramControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(new NCursorTool());
    // Create a tooltip tool
    NTooltipTool tooltipTool = new NTooltipTool();
    // time in milliseconds before showing a tooltip
    tooltipTool.InitialDelay = 1000;
    // time in milliseconds showing the the tooltip
    tooltipTool.PopDelay = 5000;
    // // time in before showing another tooltip
    tooltipTool.ReshowDelay = 0;
    // time in milliseconds fading out the tooltip
    tooltipTool.FadeOutDelay = 500;
    // whether the tooltip follows the mouse
    tooltipTool.FollowMouse = true;

    // Create a browser redirect tool
    NBrowserRedirectTool browserRedirectTool = new NBrowserRedirectTool();

    // whether to open the url link in a new browser window
    browserRedirectTool.OpenLinkInNewWindow = true;




     Related Examples

    Chart\Web Forms\ThinWeb\Image Map Tools
    Chart\Mvc\ThinWeb\Image Map Tools

    Diagram\Web Forms\ThinWeb\Image Map Tools
    Diagram\Mvc\ThinWeb\Image Map Tools