Diagram for .NET / User's Guide / Extensions / Flash Exporter
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    Flash Exporter
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    The Flash exporter extension helps you export drawing to the Adobe Small Web File (SWF) format used by Adobe Flash. It is represented by the NFlashExporter class, whose one and only constructor by design requires a reference to the document, which must be exported to SWF.

    Copy Code
    // create a new SWF exporter
    NFlashExporter flashExporter = new NFlashExporter(document);
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' create a new SWF exporter
    Dim flashExporter As New NFlashExporter(document)

    To get a NSwfImage of the drawing use the RenderToSwf method.

    The Flash exporter has a localizable visual interface, which is displayed by the ShowDialog method. 

    See Also