Diagram for .NET / User's Guide / Extensions / XAML Exporter
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    XAML Exporter
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    The XAML exporter extension helps you export drawing to the Microsoft XAML format. It is represented by the NXamlExporter class, whose one and only constructor by design requires a reference to the document, which must be exported to XAML.

    Copy Code
    //create a new XAML exporter
    NXamlExporter xamlExporter = new NXamlExporter(document);
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' create a new XAML exporter
    Dim xamlExporter As New NXamlExporter(document)

    To get a NXamlImage of the drawing use the RenderToXaml method.

    The XAML exporter has a localizable visual interface, which is displayed by the ShowDialog method.