Nevron .NET Vision
Nevron.Chart.WebForm Namespace / NChartSessionStateObject Class

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    NChartSessionStateObject Class Properties
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see NChartSessionStateObject members.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets / sets the chart document.  
    Public PropertyGets / sets the Nevron image resource HTTP handler callback. (Inherited from Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls.NStateObject)
    Public PropertyGets / sets the image format of the rendered image. Can be null for controls that do not generate an image. (Inherited from Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls.NStateObject)
    Public PropertyGets / sets the size of the Nevron Chart web control.  
    Public PropertyGets / sets a guid that uniquely identifies a specific image snapshot of the web control. (Inherited from Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls.NStateObject)
    Public PropertyGets / sets a string that uniquely identifies the specific instance of the state of a web control. (Inherited from Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls.NStateObject)
    Public PropertyOverridden. Gets the size of the view.  
    See Also