Nevron .NET Vision
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Diagram Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassThe NAggregateModel is a model, assembled from other models
    ClassRepresents a simple GraphicsPath based arrowhead shape
    ClassThe NArrowheadShapeStencil class is a stencil, which holds the shapes of the arrowheads.
    ClassThe NArrowheadStyle is a style attribute, which controls the shape, size and appearance of arrowheads
    ClassThe NArrowPath class represents a simple line path connecting two points
    ClassThe NArrowShape class represents a path shape, which aggregates a single NArrowPath primitive
    ClassThe NBezierCurve class represents a bezier curve defined by two base and two control points
    ClassThe NBezierCurveShape class represents a path shape, which aggregates a single NBezierCurvePath primitive
    ClassThe NBinaryState class is used to provide binary serialization design time support for diagram components and controls
    ClassThe NBoundsLabel class represents a label, which can be anchored to the margined scene bounds of a model
    ClassThe NBoundsPort class represents a port, which can be anchored to the scene bounds of a model
    ClassThe base of all box shapes.
    ClassThe NBridgeManager attribute is used to provide the container, which hosts it with the ability to generate bridges
    ClassThe NBridgeStyle is a style attribute, which controls the bridges' shape and the size
    ClassUsed as argument in ConnectionCancelEventHandler delegates
    ClassThe NCircularArcPath class represents an circular arc
    ClassThe NCircularArcShape class represents a primitive shape, which aggregates a single NEllipticalArc primitive
    ClassThe NClosedCurvePath class represents a curved polygon with controllable curve tension
    ClassThe NClosedCurveShape class represents a poly path shape, which aggregates a single NClosedCurvePath
    ClassThe NCompositeGeometry class represents an aggregate model, which aggregates path primitives
    ClassThe NCompositeShape class represents a shape, which aggregates one or more primitive models
    ClassUsed as argument in ConnectionCancelEventHandler delegates
    ClassRepresents an arraylist representation of the connections stored in a NConnectionContainer
    ClassThe NConnectionContainer attribute is used to store the connections between diagram elements in a diagram document
    ClassUsed as argument in ConnectionEventHandler delegates
    ClassThe NConnectionPoint abstract class represents a point, which can be a member of a connection. It serves as base class for ports and plugs.
    ClassRepresents a hashtable representation of the connections stored in a NConnectionContainer
    ClassThe NControlPoint class represents a shape control point
    ClassThe NControlPointCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NControlPoint instances
    ClassThe NCurve class represents a curved polyline, with controllable curve tension
    ClassThe NCurveShape class represents a poly path shape, which aggregates a single NCurvePath
    ClassThe NCustomPath class represents a custom open or closed figure path
    ClassThe NDataObjectAdaptor class serves as base class for all data object adapters
    ClassThe NDataObjectAdaptorCollection class is a strongly typed collection, containging NDataObjectAdaptor instances
    ClassThe NDecorator class represents an attribute, which can be attached to any shape. Decorators are used to decorate a shape with a specific effect (like border, background, title etc.)
    ClassThe NDecoratorCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NDecorator instances
    ClassThe NDiagramDataObject represents an atomic diagram unit, which can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations
    ClassThe NDiagramElement abstract class serves as base class for all elements, which can reside in diagram documents
    ClassThe NDiagramElementCollection class represents a generic collection of diagram elements and serves as base class for all strongly typed collections in the DOM.
    ClassThe NDiagramElementCompositeImpl class represents a stock implementation of the INDiagramElementComposite interface, which can be reused and extended
    ClassThe NDiagramEventSinkService class represent an extended node event sink service, to which NDiagramNode instances try to connect to
    ClassUsed to explicitly load the Nevron.Diagram.dll assembly.
    ClassThe NDiagramNode abstract class serves as base class for all nodes, which reside in diagram scenes (i.e. documents and views)
    ClassThe NDiagramNodeCollection class represents a generic collection of diagram nodes and serves as base class for all strongly typed nodes collections.
    ClassThe NDiagramNodeCompositeImpl class represents an enhanced implementation of the INNodeComposite interface, which can be resused and extended
    ClassThe NDiagramSmartPaintService class represents a smart invalidation service, which nodes use to invalidate themselves in document and view scenes
    ClassThe NDocument class is a component, which implements core DOM document features and serves as base class for all types of diagram documents
    ClassUsed as argument in DocumentCancelEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in DocumentEventHandler delegates
    ClassThe NDocumentEventSinkService class represents the event sink service used by diagram documents
    ClassThe NDocumentHistoryService class represents the history service used by diagram documents
    ClassAn instance of the NDocumentInfo attribute is used to provide each diagram document with generic, human readable information
    ClassThe NDocumentSmartPaintService class represents the smart paint service used by documents
    ClassNamespace class for resources used by the Nevron.Diagram assembly
    ClassUsed as argument in INDragDropEventHandler interface
    ClassThe NDrawingDataObject represents an atomic drawing document unit, which can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations
    ClassThe NDrawingDataObjectAdaptor is used to adapt data objects for drawing documents
    ClassThe NDrawingDocument class represents a diagram document, which can be used for generic drawing
    ClassThe NDrawingSettings attribute is used to store global drawing document settings and preferences
    ClassThe NDynamicPort class represents a rotated bounds port, which can glue the plugs connected to it in several modes.
    ClassThe NEllipsePath class represents a filled ellipse path
    ClassThe NEllipseShape class represents a primitive shape, which aggregates a single NEllipsePath primitive
    ClassThe NEllipticalArcPath class represents an elliptical arc
    ClassThe NEllipticalArcShape class represents a primitive shape, which aggregates a single NEllipticalArc primitive
    ClassThe NEndPlug class represents a plug, which is anchored to the end point of a shape
    ClassDescribes an ERM column.
    ClassA strongly typed collection containing ERM columns.
    ClassA special connector type, used to connect Erm shapes.
    ClassRepresents a primitive model, which is used to present the structure of a data table.
    ClassRepresents a shape for displaying database table's structure.
    ClassThe NExpandCollapseDecorator is used to display a collapse/expand check box, which toggles the collapsed/expanded state of the shape.
    ClassThe NFrameDecorator is used to display a frame around the shape model bounds. The decorator has a header and background. Only the header is visible when the shape is collapsed.
    ClassThe NFrameDecoratorBackground class is a simple styleable element, which is used to compose the styling needed for a frame decorator background
    ClassThe NFrameDecoratorHeader class is a simple styleable element, which is used to compose the styling needed for a frame decorator header
    ClassNamespace class for static functions
    ClassThe NGlobalVisibility class is an attribute, which is used to store global visibility settings
    ClassRepresents an extraction of the settings, which can be applied on Graphics
    ClassThe NGroup class represents a composite shape, which can also aggregate one or more shapes
    ClassThe abstract NGuideline class represents a guideline to which X or Y coordinates can be snapped and serves as base class for horizontal and vertical guidelines.
    ClassThe NGuidelineCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NGuideline instances
    ClassThe NHitTestSettings attribute is used to store global hit test preferences
    ClassThe NHorizontalGuideline class represents a horizontal guideline
    ClassThe NHVPolylinePath class represents a polyline, which retains orthogonality in scene coordinates
    ClassThe NInplaceEditTextBox represents a text box, which is used for the inplace editing of elements, which display text (e.g. NTextPrimitive, NLabel etc.)
    ClassThe NInplaceEditSurrogateControl represents a host for the control defined by a winform host primtive.
    ClassControls the appearance of DOM nodes when they are selected or highlighted
    ClassUsed as argument in INKeyboardEventHandler interface
    ClassUsed as argument in INKeyboardEventHandler delegates
    ClassThe NLabel abstract class serves as base class for all types of labels, which can be attached to shapes
    ClassThe NLabelCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NLabel instances
    ClassThe NLayer class serves as primary drawing document content container
    ClassThe NLayerCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NLayer instances
    ClassThe NLayoutData attribute is used to store the per shape defined properties, which layouts use when arranging shapes.
    ClassThe NLibraryDataObject represents an atomic library document unit, which can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations
    ClassThe NLibraryDataObjectAdaptor is used to adapt data objects for library documents
    ClassThe NLibraryDocument class represents a diagram document, which is used to store a collection of NMaster instances
    ClassThe NLinePath class represents a path, which connects its start and end points with a simple line
    ClassThe NLineShape class represents a path shape, which aggregates a single NLinePath primitive
    ClassThe NLogicalLineLabel class represents a label, which can be anchored to percent position along the logical line of a model.
    ClassThe NLogicalLinePort class represents a port, which can be anchored to the percent location along a model length
    ClassThe NMaster class represents an element inside a NLibraryDocument instance
    ClassThe NMasterImageGenerator attribute, is used to provide library documents with the ability to automatically generate images for the masters they contain
    ClassThe NModel abstract class is a transformable element, which stores a boundable model and serves as base class for more specific models
    ClassUsed as argument in INMouseEventHandler interface
    ClassThe NMutablePolyPathShape class represents a poly path shape, which can change (mutate) the aggregated poly path
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeBoundsCancelEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeDragEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeKeyEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeKeyPressEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeMouseEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeTransformCancelEventHandler delegates
    ClassUsed as argument in NodeViewEventHandler delegates
    ClassRepresents an extraction of the settings, which can be applied on PageSettings
    ClassThe NPathPrimitive class represents a primitive model, whose content is a GraphicsPath
    ClassThe NPathShape class represents a primitive shape, which aggregates a single NPathPrimitive
    ClassThe NPlug class represents a connection point, which can be connected to an inward port, it serves as base class for start and end plugs.
    ClassThe NPlugContainer is a used to store the start and end plugs of a shape
    ClassThe NPointElement class represents a point, which is displayed directly to the device.
    ClassThe NPointInfo class is uses to store the dymamically assembled information for geometry and shape points
    ClassThe NPointPort class represents a port, which can be anchored to a point of a model. The anchor model must implement the INPoints interface.
    ClassRepresents a simple GraphicsPath based point shape
    ClassThe NPointShapeStencil class is a stencil, which holds the shapes of the points.
    ClassThe NPolygonPath class represents a polygon
    ClassThe NPolygonShape class represents a poly path shape, which aggregates a single NPolygonPath
    ClassThe NPolylinePath class represents a polyline
    ClassThe NPolylineShape class represents a poly path shape, which aggregates a single NPolylinePath
    ClassThe NPolyPathPrimitive class serves as base class for all path primitives, which have a variable number of points.
    ClassThe NPolyPathShape class represents a path shape, which aggregates a single NPolyPathPrimitive primitive
    ClassThe NPort class represents a connection point, which can be anchored to a specific parameter of the shape to which they belong or to an aggregated model, which the shape contains.
    ClassThe NPortCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NPort instances
    ClassThe NPrimitiveModel class serves as base for all primitive models
    ClassThe NPrimitiveModelCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NPrimitiveModel instances
    ClassThe NPrimitiveShape class represents a shape, which aggregates a single primitive model
    ClassThe NRectanglePath class represents a filled rectangle
    ClassThe NRectangleShape class represents a path shape, which aggregates a single NRectanglePath primitive
    ClassAn instance of this class is used to encapsulate the requirements of a reflexive shape
    ClassThe NRotatedBoundsLabel class represents a bounds label, which can be anchored to the margined rotated bounds of the model bounds
    ClassThe NRotatedBoundsPort class represents a port, which can be anchored to the rotated bounds of a model
    ClassThe NRoutableConnector class represents a mutable polypath shape, which can automatically avoid obstacles in its path
    ClassThe NRoutingManager attribute is used to provide the container, which hosts it with the ability to route the routable shape it contains
    ClassNamespace class for static operations with scene trees and nodes residing in scene trees.
    ClassThe NSceneTreeViewControl control is used to display a subtree of the document scene.
    ClassThe NSceneTreeViewControlState is a descriptor of the current NSceneTreeViewControl state.
    ClassThe NSegmentLabel class represents a label, which can be anchored to the percent position along the segment of a model
    ClassThe NShape class is an aggregate model, which represents an object from the real world, concept or abstraction
    ClassThe NShapeCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NShape instances
    ClassThe NShapePoint abstract class serves as base class for all types of shape points
    ClassThe NShowHideSubtreeDecorator is used to display a show/hide check box, which toggles the visible state of the shape successor shapes and all the shapes, which connect them (e.g. the shape subtree together with the linking connectors)
    ClassThe NSnapContext class is used to store various snapping information
    ClassThe NSnapStrength attribute is used to store the strength with which different objects attract coordinates and points
    ClassThe NSnapTargets class represents an attribute, which is used to control the targets to which elements and points are snapped
    ClassThe NStartPlug class represents a plug, which is anchored to the start point of a shape
    ClassThe NStencil class is a collection, which is used to hold reusable INStencilTransformable implementors
    ClassThe NStep2Connector class represents an step connector, which connects its start and end points in two steps
    ClassThe NStep3Connector class represents a step connector, which connects its start and end points in three steps
    ClassThe NStepConnector class represents a path shape, which connects it start and end points in a fixed number of horizontal or vertical steps
    ClassNamespace class for static commonly used abilities. By design diagram elements by default use the abilities defined in this class.
    ClassNamespace class for static commonly used styles. By design many styles in the diagram are by default initialized with copies of the stock styles.
    ClassThe NStyle class represents an attribute, which is used to control the local appearance of the node to which it is attached. It serves as a container for the actual styles used by the node.
    ClassThe NStyleableElement class serves as base class for all elements, which can compose styles and can have a local style
    ClassThe NStyleComposerElement class serves as base class for all elements, which can compose styles
    ClassThe NStyleSheet class represents a named container for a single style
    ClassThe NStyleSheetCollection is a strongly typed collection containing NStyleSheet instances
    ClassRepresents a single cell from a table shape.
    ClassA strongly typed collection containing table cells.
    ClassRepresents a column in a table shape.
    ClassA strongly typed collection containing table columns.
    ClassRepresents a box primitive which is embedded in a table shape.
    ClassRepresents a shape for dispalying tabular data.
    ClassThe NTextPrimitive class represents a primitive model, which is used to display wrapped or stretched text
    ClassThe NTextShape class represents a primitive shape, which aggregates a single NTextPrimitive primitive
    ClassThe NToggleDecorator is used to display a toggle button, which toggles a specific aspect of the shape (like expanded/collapsed or show/hide subtree).
    ClassThe NToggleDecoratorBackground class is a simple styleable element, which is used to compose the styling needed for a toggle decorator background
    ClassThe NToggleDecoratorSymbol class is a simple styleable element, which is used to compose the styling needed for a toggle decorator symbol
    ClassTransaction result information
    ClassThe NTransformableElement abstract class respresents a styleable element, which contains a local transformation
    ClassRepresents an UML field.
    ClassA strongly typed collection containing UML fields, properties or methods.
    ClassRepresents an UML method.
    ClassRepresents an UML property.
    ClassRepresents an UML shape with a collection of properties and methods.
    ClassThe NVerticalGuideline class represents a vertical guideline
    ClassUsed as argument in view events
    ClassThe NVisioMaster class represents a Visio element inside a NLibraryDocument instance
    ClassRepresents a box primitive which hosts a windows forms control
    ClassServes as base classs for loader and savers to XML
    ClassRepresents a shape, which hosts a WinForm control
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which require to be notified when an ancestor is collapsed or expanded
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which require to be notified when the transformation of an ancestor is changing or has changed
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which have manipulatable axis parallel bounds measured in scene coordinates
    InterfaceImplemented by paths, which can display bridges (hops) on self intersections, or intersections with other bridgeable paths below it in the ZOrder
    InterfaceImplemented by bridgeable shapes
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which have a NBridgeManager attribute
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which have a NConnectionContainer attribute
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which can be edited with context menus
    InterfaceImplemented by elements which can display text in the device coordinate system
    InterfaceImplemened by each element residing in a diagram document
    InterfaceImplemented by INDiagramElementContainer nodes, whose child nodes can be inserted and removed
    InterfaceImplemented by INDiagramElement nodes, which contain other INDiagramElement nodes.
    InterfaceImplemented by diagram elements nodes, which reference other diagram elements by their unique ids and expose editable properties for the reference selection
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can estimate the area outside them in world coordinates, which is affected by their painting.
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which can handle drag and drop events (drag drop targets)
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can initiate hit tests
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can be hit tested
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes which support inplace editing
    InterfaceImplemented by inplace edit controls
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes which can be invalidated
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which can handle keyboard events
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which need to be notified for layers changes
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can provide a graphics device for measurements
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which store logical measurements
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can provide a measurement systems manager
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which have a local measurement unit
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can provide a measurement unit converter
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which can handle mouse events
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can be painted
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which have a fixed count of editable points (vertices)
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which have a variable count of editable points (vertices)
    InterfaceImplemented by shapes, which can be configured to aesthetically reflex around the shape to which their start and end plugs are connected
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can provide resultion for convertion between device dependant and device independant measurement units
    InterfaceImplemented by shapes, which can be treated as routes, avoiding obstacles
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which have a NRoutingManager attribute
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, whose points form editable segments
    InterfaceImplemented by diagram objects, which can be serialized in persistent sections and need to be notified when they are serialized or deserialized
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can constrain the bounds of the contained shapes
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which need to be notified for shape changes
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can create shapes by name
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can compose styles and contain a local style
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can compose styles
    InterfaceImplemented by elements which can display text
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can be transformed relatively to their parent
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, which can be translated
    InterfaceImplemented by elements, which must be translated with their slaves
    InterfaceImplemented by document views
    InterfaceBridge interface for the view interactivity requests made by the document
    InterfaceBridge interface for smart paint service requests made by the document
    InterfaceBridge interface for the trackers requests made by the document
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, whose visibility can be controlled
    InterfaceImplemented by scene roots and provides information about the scene to world transformation
    InterfaceImplemented by elements which can display text in the world coordinate system
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can snap X coordinates
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can snap Y coordinates
    InterfaceImplemented by nodes, whose ZOrder can be changed
    StructureThe NAbilities structure is used to define the abilities of a diagram element. It is wrapper for the AbilitiesMask enumeration, with a convenient interface to drop and raise the respective bits defined by the AbilitiesMask
    StructureThe NArrowheadsPaintInfo class represents the information, which is needed to paint arrowheads
    StructureRepresents the factors, by which an aggregated model is scaled by its aggregate
    StructureRepresents a connection between two diagram elements.
    StructureRepresents the alignment of a point relative to some rectangle
    StructureThe NInteractionStyle structure is used to define the aspects of a shape, which can be edited via trackers when the shape is selected.
    StructureRepresents the margins of some content relative to some rectangle
    StructureEncapsulates text paint information
    StructureThe NTranslationSlaves structure is used to specify the shapes, which must be translated when the shape is translated
    DelegateDelegate for events, which require to have control over connection actions
    DelegateDelegate for events, which require to have control over connection actions
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive infromation about connection actions
    DelegateDelegate for document cancel events
    DelegateDelegate for document events
    DelegateDelegate for IsInputChar queries
    DelegateDelegate for IsInputKey queries
    DelegateDelegate for events, which require to have control over node bounds changes
    DelegateDelegate for DragEnter, DragDrop and DragOver events
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive infromation about node key down/up event actions
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive infromation about node key press event actions
    DelegateDelegate for events, which receive infromation about node mouse event actions
    DelegateDelegate for events, which require to have control over node transform changes
    DelegateDelegate for View events fired for nodes
    EnumerationAbilities mask
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which an shape can be scaled inside a group
    EnumerationEnumerates the aggregate models locks, which are stored in a seqencial property container
    EnumerationDefines the appearance change when the object is displayed as selected or highlighted
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available arrowhead shapes
    EnumerationDefines the possible arrow types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways, in which documents can automatically determine their bounds
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a bounds port can determine its direction angle
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which box texts can be displayed
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available bridge shapes (displayed at lines intersections)
    EnumerationDefines the possible bridge targets
    EnumerationDefines the possible canvas layouts
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available types of graph edges
    EnumerationEnumerates the coordinate systems in which transform operations can be performed
    EnumerationEnumerates the diagram element properties, which are stored in a seqencial property container
    EnumerationEnumerates the drawing scale modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a dynamic port can glue the plugs connected to it
    EnumerationEnumerates the edge sort order which is used to sort the edges of a shape graph adapter.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible graph part types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible graph part types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possbile HV segments type
    EnumerationThe interaction style mask
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a logical line port can determine its direction angle
    EnumerationEnumerates the available member format styles.
    EnumerationEnumerates the member visibility types.
    EnumerationHints of model changes send to the aggregate models
    EnumerationSelects either the start or end point of a model
    EnumerationDefines the possible paint passes
    EnumerationDefines the appearance components, which must be painted by node during a content paint pass
    EnumerationDefines the possible reasons for painting
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which texts can be displayed
    EnumerationDefines the way in which pasted content is positioned inside drawing documents
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible path types
    EnumerationDefines the possible types of point hit test
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined point indexes
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a point port can determine its direction angle
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available point shapes
    EnumerationDefines the possible point types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible port types
    EnumerationDefines the possible typed of rectangular hit test
    EnumerationDefines the currently supported types of reflexive routes
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a route can be automatically rerouted
    EnumerationDefines the possible ways in which an aggregate model can by default resize the models it contains
    EnumerationDefines the possible ways in which a model can be resized when the aggregate in which it resides is resized
    EnumerationDefines the possible routable edge types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible obstacle types
    EnumerationDefines the currently supported types of routes
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible routing grid types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible routing mesh types
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined segment indexes
    EnumerationDefines the possible z order of shadows
    EnumerationEnumerates the optional shape elements
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible shape types
    EnumerationSnap targets mask
    EnumerationEnumerates the raster image formats in which the image exporter can export drawing images
    EnumerationEnumerates the cell border styles.
    EnumerationEnumerates the table column size modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the table port distribution modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible toggle button background shapes
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible statuses of batch result
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible shape translation slaves
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently supported types of view bridges
    EnumerationDefines the possible view layouts
    See Also