Nevron .NET Vision
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.GraphicsCore Namespace (Nevron.Presentation)
    In This Topic
    ClassThe base of all 2D devices.
    ClassRepresents a 2D GDI plus device.
    ClassRepresents a 2D PDF device.
    ClassRepresents a 2D SWF device.
    ClassRepresents a 2D vector device.
    ClassRepresents an advanced gradient.
    ClassRepresents an advanced gradient point.
    ClassThis class represents an array of advanced gradient points. An advanced gradient consists of a background color and an arbitrary number of color points with different shape and intensity.
    ClassRepresents a list of angle
    ClassRepresents an angle unit
    ClassImplements graphics units serialization
    ClassBase class for all animations.
    ClassCollection containing the animations to apply on an object.
    ClassThe base of all appearance styles.
    ClassThe NArcToCommand class represents a command, which draws an arc from the previus command location to this command location
    ClassRepresents a color in ARGB color space
    ClassRepresents a palette mapping byte to ARGB color value
    ClassThe NBackgroundStyle class is used to define the background filling and frame applied to objects
    ClassThe NBackplaneStyle class represnets an appearance styles, which defines the backplane of an object
    ClassServes as a base class for all converters, which can convert backplane styles.
    ClassWhen present in a ImageFilters collection the NBevelAndEmbossImageFilter class instructs the component to apply a bevel and emboss effect on the image. This effect is different than the bevel and emboss filter applied in Photoshop, because it works by combining three samples of the image - original, highlight and dark. The different types of the bevel and emboss define how these images are combined.
    ClassThe NBezierCurveToCommand class represents a command, which draws a bezier curve from the previus command location to this command location
    ClassDescribes a BMP image response returned to the client browser.
    ClassWhen present in a ImageFilters collection the NBlurImageFilter class instructs the component to apply horizontal and vertical convolution matrices to the image.
    ClassRepresents a border applied around an an object (shape or panel)
    ClassRepresents a cap style applied to a shape begin or end point
    ClassRepresents the centimeter metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the english chain measurement unit.
    ClassThe NCircularArcToCommand class represents a command, which draws a circular arc from the previus command location to this command location
    ClassRepresents a tooltip applied on the object.
    ClassThe base of all color definitions
    ClassChanges the color of an object over time.
    ClassRepresents a solid color filling.
    ClassThe base for all color transform object
    ClassSummary description for NCompositeKey2.
    ClassThe base of all filters that contain convolution matrices.
    ClassRepresents a cursor applied to the object.
    ClassRepresents a custom image list which clips images
    ClassRepresents a custom map area attribute applied on the object.
    ClassRepresents a custom script applied on the object.
    ClassRepresents the deimeter metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the degree angle unit
    ClassRepresents a directional light source in a 3D scene. Directional light sources are treated as if they are located infinitely far away from the scene. A directional light source has only a direction vector, but no location. The effect of an infinite location is that the rays of light can be considered parallel by the time they reach an object. An example of a real-world directional light source is the sun. Directional lights are rendered faster than point lights and spot lights.
    ClassRepresents the display graphics measurement unit
    ClassRepresents the document graphics measurement unit
    ClassRepresents an AutoCAD DXF.
    ClassRepresents the Autocad DXF format.
    ClassRepresents a border style consisting of three stripes with controllable filling and width
    ClassThe NEllipticalArcToCommand class represents a command, which draws an elliptical arc from the previus command location to this command location
    ClassRepresents an image in EMF format
    ClassRepresents the EMF image format.
    ClassRepresents the British And American (English) measurement unit system
    ClassServes as base class for all units in the British And American (English) measurement system
    ClassImplements english units serialization
    ClassChanges the transparency of an object over time.
    ClassThe base of all filling types, which currently are: color, gradient, pattern, image and advanced gradient
    ClassThe NFillStyleColorToHatchConverter class represents a converter, which converts a color fill style to a hatch fill style
    ClassThe NFillStyleConverter class serves as base class for all converters, which can convert fill styles
    ClassThe NFillStyleToGrayScaleConverter class represents a converter, which converts all colors of a fill style to grayscale
    ClassRepresents a font style
    ClassServes as a base class for all converters, which can convert font styles.
    ClassThis class represents a converter, which changes the font size of the processed NFontStyle objects.
    ClassRepresents the english foot measurement unit.
    ClassThe NFormatProvider class serves as base class for all types of format providers
    ClassThe NFormatProviderContainer class represents a container for format providers
    ClassThe NFrameStyle object controls the frame applied on a particular object. The frame itself consists of four elements - the outer bevel, the bevel distance, the inner bevel and the frame border. With the help of the InnerStyle and OuterStyle properties you can control inner and outer bevel style. The BevelDistance property specifies the distance between the inner and the outer bevel. The HasBorder property allows you to enable or disable the frame border.
    ClassRepresents the english furlong measurement unit.
    ClassCached GDI objects
    ClassRepresent a gel effect applied of a shape
    ClassStatic class for commonly used geometry routines in 2D space.
    ClassDescribes a GIF image response returned to the client browser
    ClassRepresents a paint effect that emulates the reflection of glass cap over a shape lit from a controllable direction
    ClassWhen present in a ImageFilters collection the NGlowImageFilter class instructs the component to lit the edges of the object with the specified glow color.
    ClassNamespace class for resources used by the Nevron.GraphicsCore assembly
    ClassRepresents the grad angle unit
    ClassRepresents a gradient filling.
    ClassNevron Graphics Device.
    ClassRepresents the GDI+ (Graphics) measurement unit system
    ClassRepresents a graphics path.
    ClassServes as base class for all units in the GDI+ (Graphics) measurement system
    ClassImplements graphics units serialization
    ClassBase class for all vector graphics.
    ClassConverts colors to their grayscale equivalent based on the color intensity
    ClassRepresents the english hand measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents a hatch filling.
    ClassHides the object during the animation time range
    ClassThe HTML Image Map context.
    ClassThe NImage class represents an image and serves as base class for all types of images
    ClassRepresents an image based filling.
    ClassBase class for all image filters
    ClassCollection containing the image filters applied on an image before it is displayed.
    ClassAll response types in have an associated object deriving from NImageFormat.
    ClassThe NImageFormatProvider class represents a format provider, which serves as base class for all image format providers
    ClassRepresents an vector image frame around an object
    ClassWhen present in the attributes collection the control will add the region of the visual object to the image map object that is provided to the client side JavaScript for hit testing in AJAX mode.
    ClassRepresents the english inch measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the inch graphics measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents an indexed color. The indexed color actual representation depends on the current palette applied on the graphics context.
    ClassBase class for all interactivity attributes/
    ClassHolds interactivity attributes.
    ClassControls the properties related to the interactivity behavior of the object it is attached to. These properties include tooltips, mouse cursor and URL to redirect the browser to when the user clicks on the chart image map (this feature is supported only by the Nevron Chart for .NET server control when generating HTML image maps).
    ClassDescribes a JPEG image response returned to the client browser.
    ClassRepresents the kilometer metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the english league measurement unit.
    ClassWhen present in a ImageFilters collection the NLightingImageFilter class instructs the component to apply a lighting effect on the image. This effect is achieved by creating a bump based on the original image alpha values and then lighting calculations are performed for each pixel in the image.
    ClassThe NLightModel class controls the light effects applied to a 3D scene. It allows you to enable and disable scene lighting, to load predefined light schemes and control global light properties as well as gives access to the collection of light sources.
    ClassThe NLightModelConverter class serves as base class for all converters, which can convert lighting models
    ClassThe NLightModelToGrayScaleConverter class represents a converter, which converts a light model to its gray scale equivalent
    ClassNLightSource is an abstract base class that represents a light source in a 3D scene. It can control the light source emission characteristics and coordinate mode.
    ClassYou can add a light source to a 3D scene by adding an instance of a NLightSource derived type to this collection. Up to eight light sources can be used simultaneously.
    ClassRepresents the english line measurement unit.
    ClassThe NLineToCommand class represents a command, which draws a line from the previus command location to this command location
    ClassRepresents the english link measurement unit.
    ClassDefines the appearance of list items when drawing formatted texts.
    ClassBase class for all measurement systems
    ClassRepresents the measurement system manager
    ClassA base class for all real world measurement units, which adopts a specific measurement system and transforms it to GDI+ compatible measures.
    ClassMeasurement unit converter used to convert from one measurement unit to another
    ClassBase class for all measurement unit serializers
    ClassRepresents the meter metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the Metric measurement unit system
    ClassServes as base class for all units in the Metric measurement system
    ClassImplements graphics units serialization
    ClassRepresents the micrometer metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the english mile measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the Millimeter graphics measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the millimeter metric measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents a monochrome raster, which a raster whose pixel data consists only of true/false values.
    ClassThe NMoveToCommand class represents a command, which moves the drawing cursor to the command location. It is the first command of each path figure.
    ClassThe base of all effects that can be applied after a shape or panel is painted on a 2D drawing surface
    ClassRepresents the parent percentage relative measurement unit
    ClassThe NPath class represents one or more geometrical figures, which defined by a standard set of drawing commands
    ClassThe NPathCommand abstract class serves as a base class for all path commands, which can reside in a path figure
    ClassRepresents a list of NPathCommand objects
    ClassThe NPathFigure class represents a figure, which can be drawn using an arbitrary set of path commands without lifting the drawing cursor. A path figure can either be open or closed.
    ClassRepresents a list of NPathFigure objects
    ClassRepresents an image in PDF format
    ClassRepresents the PDF image format.
    ClassRepresents the pica graphics unit. A pica represents 12 points.
    ClassRepresents the pixel graphics measurement unit.
    ClassDescribes a PNG image response returned to the client browser
    ClassRepresents a list of NPointD values.
    ClassRepresents a list of NPointF values.
    ClassRepresents the point graphics measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents a point light source in a 3D scene. Point light sources have position but no direction, so they emit light equally in all directions. Light intensity can attenuate with distance, so that objects located near a point light source get more illuminated than distant objects.
    ClassThe NPolygonF class represents a polygon in 2D space defined by it's vertices
    ClassRasterizes polygons to monochrome rasters (i.e. boolean matrixes that contain only zeroes and ones).
    ClassThe NPolylineF class represents a polyline in 2D space defined by its vertices.
    ClassWhen present in the attributes collection the control will generate postback..
    ClassEvents arguments for postback
    ClassControls scene view parameters like camera position, zoom, projection type, etc.
    ClassRepresents the radian angle unit
    ClassRespresents a raster
    ClassThe NRasterImage class represents a raster image
    ClassThe base of all raster image formats (BMP, JPEG, PNG etc.).
    ClassThe NRasterImageFormatProvider class represents a format provider, which serves as base class for all raster image format providers
    ClassRepresents the Relative measurement unit system
    ClassServes as base class for all units in the Relative measurement system
    ClassImplements relative units serialization
    ClassRepresents the english rod measurement unit.
    ClassRepresents the root percentage relative measurement unit
    ClassRotates an object from a given angle to another.
    ClassScales an object from one size to another.
    ClassRepresents a color transform that can scale color components (channels)
    ClassBase class for all shadow classes
    ClassThe NShadowStyleConverter class serves as base class for all converters, which can convert shadow styles
    ClassThe NShadowStyleToGrayScaleConverter class represents a converter, which converts a shadow style to its gray scale equivalent
    ClassDefines the appearance of shape list items when drawing formatted texts.
    ClassRepresents a spot light source in a 3D scene. Spot light sources have both position and direction vectors. They illuminate a part of the 3D scene that is enclosed by a cone. A real world example of a spot light is a desk lamp.
    ClassRepresents a rectangular frame around an object
    ClassSummary description for NStringFormatKey.
    ClassRepresents a string format style
    ClassRepresents a border consisting of a single outline (stroke)
    ClassControls the line (or border) parameters of the object it is applied to. With the properties of this object you can modify the line style, color and width.
    ClassThe NStrokeStyleConverter class serves as base class for all converters, which can convert stroke styles
    ClassThe NStrokeStyleToGrayScaleConverter class represents a converter, which converts a stroke style to its gray scale equivalent
    ClassThe NSvgImage class represents a svg image
    ClassDescribes a SVG image response returned to the client browser.
    ClassRepresents a SWF image.
    ClassRepresents the SWF (Adobe Flash) image format.
    ClassSummary description for NTextListStyle.
    ClassControls the font, appearance and formatting of text objects.
    ClassServes as a base class for all converters, which can convert text styles.
    ClassThe base class of all fill styles using a texture - gradient, image, hatch and advanced gradient.
    ClassControls how texture based fillings are mapped on the object
    ClassSummary description for NTextureMappingKey.
    ClassDescribes a TIFF image response returned to the client browser.
    ClassRepresents a tooltip applied on the object.
    ClassMoves an object from one point to another.
    ClassRepresents an interactivity attribute, used to define a URL link
    ClassRepresents a serialized custom data that is passed as an attribute to the client when using the image map as XML coordinates transport rather than as XHTML.
    ClassRepresents a Silverlight image.
    ClassRepresents the Silverlight xaml format.
    ClassRepresents the english yard measurement unit.
    InterfaceImplemented by render surfaces that output to a bitmap
    InterfaceSummary description for INClosedFigurePrimitive.
    InterfaceImplemented by colors
    InterfaceImplemented by controls that can modify their control styles
    InterfaceImplemented by render surfaces with control style requirments for the outer control
    InterfaceSummary description for INDevice.
    InterfaceBase file format interface.
    InterfaceImplemented by all format providers
    InterfaceImplemented by GDI+ render surfaces.
    InterfaceThe INGeometryPrimitive interface is implemented by structures and classes, which can be treated as geometry primitives.
    InterfaceImplemented by graphics providers.
    InterfaceImplemented by objects that are hit testable.
    InterfaceBase Html map area attribute interface.
    InterfaceImplemented by elements that export Html image map contents.
    InterfaceImplemented by all images
    InterfaceBase image format class.
    InterfaceImplemented by image format providers
    InterfaceImplemented by elements that export Html image map contents.
    InterfaceImplemented by objects that can have inverted representation
    InterfaceImplemented by objects, which can process keyboard events
    InterfaceSummary description for INLengthConverterProvider.
    InterfaceImplemented by measurement graphics providers.
    InterfaceImplemented by objects which can capture the mouse
    InterfaceImplemented by objects which can provide a mouse cursor
    InterfaceThe INOpenFigurePrimitive is implemented by geometry primitives which represent open figures (figures without filling)
    InterfaceImplemented by overlay paintable render surfaces
    InterfaceImplemented by render surfaces that can paint content painters
    InterfaceImplemented by raster images
    InterfaceBase raster image format interface.
    InterfaceImplemented by scene tree devices
    InterfaceImplemented by SVG images
    InterfaceImplemented by SVG image formats.
    InterfaceImplemented by transformable devices
    InterfaceSummary description for INWindowRenderSurfaceHost.
    StructureRepresents an angle, defined as a value and angle unit pair
    StructureRepresents an arc of a circle in 2D space, defined by two points and a bow parameter
    StructureRepresents a color in ARGB color space as a 4 byte (Int32) value
    StructureRepresents a color in ARGB color space as a 4 single (float) values
    StructureThe NBezierCurveF structure represents a bezier curve in 2D space defined by four points. The curve starts from the start point and ends on the end point.
    StructureThe NCircleD structure represents a circle in 2D space defined by it's center and radius
    StructureThe NCircleF structure represents a circle in 2D space defined by it's center and radius
    StructureRepresents a segment of a circle in 2D space, defined by a circle and start and sweep angles
    StructureRepresents a segment of a circle in 2D space, defined by a circle and start and sweep angles
    StructureRepresents an arc of a circle in 2D space, defined by three points
    StructureRepresents an arc of a circle in 2D space, defined by three points
    StructureRepresents a cubic Bezier curve in 2D space defined by four points: start point, two control points and end point.
    StructureThe NEllipseD structure represents an ellipse in 2D space defined by it's center, lengths of the major and minor axes and angle, which the ellipse major axis forms with the X-axis
    StructureThe NEllipseF structure represents an ellipse in 2D space defined by it's center, lengths of the major and minor axes and angle, which the ellipse major axis forms with the X-axis
    StructureRepresents a segment of an ellipse in 2D space, defined by an ellipse and start and sweep angles
    StructureRepresents a segment of an ellipse in 2D space, defined by an ellipse and start and sweep angles
    StructureRepresents an arc of an ellipse in 2D space, defined by three points, ellipse angle and ratio between the ellipse major and minor axes
    StructureRepresents an arc of an ellipse in 2D space, defined by three points, ellipse angle and ratio between the ellipse major and minor axes
    StructureRepresents the information for a figure in a graphics path
    StructureRepresents a point from a graphics path.
    StructureRepresents a length, defined as a value and measurement unit pair
    StructureRepresents a line in 2D space defined by it's general equasion: Ax + By + C = 0. This representation of a line is also called implicit or general line form.
    StructureRepresents a line segment defined by two points
    StructureRepresents margins as indents from the left, top, right and bottom.
    StructureRepresents margins as indents from the left, top, right and bottom sides of a rectangle.
    StructureRepresents margins, defined by four lengths
    StructureThe NMatrix2DD structure represents an affine 2D transformation
    StructureThe NMatrix2DF structure represents an affine 2D transformation
    StructureThe NPoint structure represents a point in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates
    StructureThe NPointD structure represents a point in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates
    StructureThe NPointF structure represents a point in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates
    StructureRepresents a point, defined as an ordered pair of lengths (X, Y), which control the point coordinates in two dimensional space.
    StructureRepresents a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D space defined by three points (start point, end point and one control point).
    StructureThe NRange1D struct represents a 1D range with integer values representing its begin and end
    StructureThe NRange1DD struct represents a 1D range with double values representing its begin and end.
    StructureThe NRange1DF struct represents a 1D range with float values representing its begin and end
    StructureRepresents a point, defined as an ordered pair of lengths (X, Y), which control the point coordinates in two dimensional space.
    StructureRepresents a range from the 2D space defined by its min and max X and Y values.
    StructureRepresents a range from the 2D space defined by its min and max X and Y values
    StructureRepresents a range from the 2D space defined by its min and max X and Y values
    StructureRepresents a ray in 2D space defined by an origin point and it's X and Y directions
    StructureRepresents a ray in 2D space defined by an origin point and it's X and Y directions
    StructureThe NRectangle structure represents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size
    StructureThe NRectangle structure represents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size
    StructureThe NRectangleF structure represents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size
    StructureThe NRectangleL class represents a rectangle, the location and dimensions of which are expressed with NLength units
    StructureDescribes a device horizontal and vertical resolution in dots per inch.
    StructureThe NSize structure represents a size measured with width and height
    StructureThe NSizeD structure represents a size measured with width and height
    StructureThe NSizeF structure represents a size measured with width and height
    StructureRepresents a size, defined as an ordered pair of lengths (Width, Height).
    StructureThe NTriangleF structure represents a triangle in 2D space defined by it's three vertices: (A, B, C).
    StructureThe NVector2DD struct represents a 2D vector with double value
    StructureThe NVector2DF structure represents a vector in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates
    StructureThe NVector3DD struct represents a 3D vector with double coordinates
    StructureThe NVector3DD struct represents a 3D vector with float coordinates
    StructureThe NVector4DD struct represents a 4D vector with double coordinates
    StructureThe NVector4DF struct represents a 4D vector with float coordinates
    EnumerationDefines the possible predefined advanced gradient configurations
    EnumerationThe shape of a point in an advanced gradient.
    EnumerationEnumerates alignment modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently defined angle measurement units
    EnumerationEnumerates the animation types in the order they must be applied.
    EnumerationThe shape of the backplane applied on texts, legends, chart margins and labels.
    EnumerationDifferent styles of bevel and emboss filter
    EnumerationDifferent types of blur functions.
    EnumerationDefines the shape of a border painted around a object
    EnumerationPossible modes for fitting a drawable object into a specified area.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible brush types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible cap styles
    EnumerationEnumerates the types of client side script
    EnumerationDefines the mode in which colors are converted to hatches
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible color types
    EnumerationEnumerates the compass directions
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible cursor types.
    EnumerationEnumerates how the dash style specified with the stroke style combines with previous line segments drawn with the same dash style
    EnumerationEnumerates how the dash style specified with the stroke style combines with previous line segments drawn with the same dash style
    EnumerationEnumerates the device styles
    EnumerationEnumerates the dimensions in a 3D Cartesian coordinate system
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible fragment enumerations
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently defined English measurement units
    EnumerationDefines the possible fill styles.
    EnumerationDefines the bevel style of a standard frame. You may need a frame when you want your control background to be more consistent with the other Windows controls displayed by your form. For more information see the NFrameStyle object in the Object Reference.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible frame styles
    EnumerationDifferent styles of glow filter
    EnumerationDefines the style of the gradient or in other words the way the starting color fades into the ending color. For more information see the NFillEffect object description in the Object Reference.
    EnumerationThe variant of the gradient style. All gradient styles have four gradients except GradientStyle.FromCenter, which has only two.
    EnumerationDefines the supported image filters
    EnumerationDefines the type of the image frame.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible image map rendering modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the image rendering modes
    EnumerationDefines the supported interactivity attributes
    EnumerationARGB values of known colors.
    EnumerationEnumerates the coordinate modes for a light source.
    EnumerationDefines the type of a light source.
    EnumerationDefines a line pattern.
    EnumerationEnumerates all possible line segment relations.
    EnumerationDefines the shape or text of a bullet.
    EnumerationThe layout used when mapping a texture on an object in the 3D scene.
    EnumerationDefines how textures are mapped on the surfaces of an object.
    EnumerationMarker shapes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently provided measurment systems
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently defined Metric measurement units
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible options for arranging a drawing when it is going to be printed.
    EnumerationDefines the shape of paint effect
    EnumerationThe horizontal alignment of text inside the paragraph.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible path commands
    EnumerationPredefined image frame styles.
    EnumerationThe possible predefined light schemes
    EnumerationPredefined view projections that enable you to set all the projection parameters with one function call.
    EnumerationPredefined standard frame styles.
    EnumerationDefines the projection type
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible range dispositions
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently defined Relative measurement units
    EnumerationDifferent types of rendering surfaces.
    EnumerationEnumerates the render technologies
    EnumerationDefines the type of a shadow.
    EnumerationEnumerates the shape rendering modes
    EnumerationDefines the standard string format types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible text decorations.
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported text directions
    EnumerationDefines the used text parser.
    EnumerationDefines the shape or text of a bullet.
    EnumerationEnumerates the text rendering modes
    EnumerationDefines the possible types of measurement units
    EnumerationThe wrapping style applied on the text object.
    See Also