[System.ComponentModel.Category("Behavior")] [System.ComponentModel.Description("Gets/sets the minimal zoom factor after which the layer is shown. If the EnableShowInZoomRange is set to true the layer is only shown, if the current zoom factor is larger than this setting. By default set to 0.")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(0)] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttribute()] public System.float MinShowZoomFactor {get; set;}
<System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute("Behavior")> <System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute("Gets/sets the minimal zoom factor after which the layer is shown. If the EnableShowInZoomRange is set to true the layer is only shown, if the current zoom factor is larger than this setting. By default set to 0.")> <System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(0)> <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute()> Public Property MinShowZoomFactor As System.Single
Dim instance As NLayer Dim value As System.Single instance.MinShowZoomFactor = value value = instance.MinShowZoomFactor