User Interface for .NET / User's Guide / Command Bars / Command Appearance

Command Appearance
 Command Style

NCommand object can be visualized in three different styles:

Value Description

The command displays only images.



The command displays text only.


The command displays both image and text.


The command will let its parent decide in which style to be visualized. The DefaultCommandStyle value of the command parent is used. For example, a command parented by a NMenuWindow  will be visualized using ImageAndText style, while the same command parented on a NToolbar  will use Image style.


The following example demonstrates how to change a command's style (which by default equals to CommandStyle.Default):

Copy Code
NCommand command = new NCommand();
//always display image and text
command.Properties.Style = CommandStyle.ImageAndText;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim command As NCommand = New NCommand()
'always display image and text
command.Properties.Style = CommandStyle.ImageAndText
 Image Support

A NCommand has native support for displaying images from an image list. It has both image list and image index properties.


The following code demonstrates how to assign a valid image to a command:

Copy Code
ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
//assume that we have a valid bitmap

//create a command object and assign it valid image
NCommand command = new NCommand();
command.Properties.ImageList = imageList;
command.Properties.ImageIndex = 0;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim imageList As ImageList = New ImageList()
'assume that we have a valid bitmap

'create a command object and assign it valid image
Dim command As NCommand = New NCommand()
command.Properties.ImageList = imageList
command.Properties.ImageIndex = 0
 Interactive Appearance

A NCommand object might change its appearance under certain conditions.


The following table describes the interactive features: 

Property Description
 Selectable Specifies whether the command can be selected (hovered). If this is false the command will behave like a static (label) control.
 Designable Specifies whether the command can be edited using the advanced visual editor.
 SelectedImageIndex Specifies the image index to be used when the command is hovered (selected)
 PressedImageIndex Specifies the image index to be used when the command is pressed (pushed) - that is when the left mouse button is pressed within the command's bounds.
 ImageShadow Specifies whether the command will display an image shadow when hovered.
 FadeImage Specifies whether the command will apply an alpha filter on its image in default state.
 Command State

A command state can change due to either user or framework action.


The following table describes available command states:

Value Description

The command is in default state.


The command is currently under the mouse cursor.


The left mouse button is pressed within the command's bounds.


The command is currently displaying a drop-down menu.

 Checked, Enabled And Visible

A command can give additional feedback in application's context - it might be Checked, Enabled or disabled. By default a command is enabled and unchecked. You may also specify command's visibility using its Visible property - if it is false the command will still exist in its parent collection but will not be displayed.


The following example demonstrates how to use checked/enabled/visible properties:

Copy Code
NCommand command1;
NCommand command2;
NCommand command3;

command1 = new NCommand();
command1.Enabled = false;

command2 = new NCommand();
command2.Checked = true;

command3 = new NCommand();
command3.Properties.Visible = false;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim command1 As NCommand 
Dim command2 As NCommand 
Dim command3 As NCommand 

command1 = New NCommand()
command1.Enabled = False

command2 = New NCommand()
command2.Checked = True

command3 = New NCommand()
command3.Properties.Visible = False

NCommand object in checked and unchecked state.

For more information about common command properties see NCommandProperties class.
See Also