User Interface for .NET / User's Guide / Command Bars / Command Parents Appearance

Command Parents Appearance

Each NCommandParent implements INPaletteProvider which is the main interface that describes how an object is rendered. Thus, you have full control over how the object is rendered and what color scheme it uses. For more information see Palettes.


The following code demonstrates how to change the default palette of a NToolbar object:

Copy Code
NToolbar toolbar = new NToolbar();
toolbar.Palette.Scheme = ColorScheme.Sunset;
toolbar.Palette.Style3D = Style3D.Flat;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim toolbar As NToolbar = New NToolbar()
toolbar.Palette.Scheme = ColorScheme.Sunset
toolbar.Palette.Style3D = Style3D.Flat
 Background Type

Each NCommandParent has a property which controls background appearance of the component.


The following table describes available background types:

Background Type Description


The parent will use its BackColor property to fill its interior.


A control specific render logic will be applied. For a NToolbar parent this is a gradient brush with special blending.


A pseudo-transparency will be applied (the control will ask its parent to paint the background).

 Border And Gripper

You can specify whether a certain NCommandParent will display gripper and border.


The following code demonstrates how to create an entirely transparent toolbar:

Copy Code
NToolbar toolbar = new NToolbar();
toolbar.BackgroundType = BackgroundType.Transparent;
toolbar.HasBorder = false;
toolbar.HasGripper = false;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim toolbar As NToolbar = New NToolbar()
toolbar.BackgroundType = BackgroundType.Transparent
toolbar.HasBorder = False
toolbar.HasGripper = False
See Also