User Interface for .NET / User's Guide / Command Bars / Command Parents Overview

Command Parents Overview

Nevron Command Parents are the controls that host command visualizations. Each parent has a collection of children NCommand objects, which are arranged using predefined logic. The parent is responsible for delegating input events like mouse, keyboard, drag-and-drop, etc. to its children. 

 Predefined Command Parents

Following are the predefined command parents introduced in Nevron UI Suite:

Command Parent Description


Represents a generic command parent. DefaultCommandStyle is Image.



Represents an extended toolbar with dock/undock/redock capabilities and command overflow support (must be encapsulated by a NCommandBarsManager). The docking toolbar size and command layout are automatically set by the framework depending on its current dock style.


Represents a predefined docking toolbar which mimics the behaviour of the standard Windows Forms MainMenu component. DefaultCommandStyle is Text.



Represents a command container used to display commands in a drop-down manner. DefaultCommandStyle is ImageAndText. A NMenuWindow instance is created on demand whenever a request for a drop-down menu is made.

 Predefined Command Layouts

The following table describes predefined command layouts available in Nevron UI Suite:

Layout Description


All commands are arranged in a single row. This is the default layout for NToolbar command parents.


Commands are arranged horizontally in multiple rows, where row count depends on the parent's width and the number of wrapped commands. Whenever a command's right position exceeds its parent's width it is wrapped on a new row. This layout is used by NDockingToolbar command parents when in floating state.


Commands are arranged one beneath the other, using horizontal orientation for texts. All commands have the same width, which is equal to the largest one. This is the default layout for NMenuWindow command parents.


All commands are arranged in a single column using vertical text orientation. This layout is used by NDockingToolbar command parents when docked left or right.


Commands are arranged vertically in multiple columns, where column count depends on the parent's height and the number of wrapped commands. Whenever a command's bottom position exceeds its parent's height, it is wrapped on a new row. This layout is used by NMenuBar command parents when docked left or right.

See Also