Imports Nevron.GraphicsCore
Imports Nevron.Diagram
Imports Nevron.Diagram.Shapes
Imports Nevron.Diagram.WinForm
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' begin view init
' display the document in the view
NDrawingView1.Document = NDrawingDocument1
' do not show the ports
NDrawingView1.GlobalVisibility.ShowPorts = False
' hide the grid
NDrawingView1.Grid.Visible = False
' fit the document in the viewport
NDrawingView1.ViewLayout = ViewLayout.Fit
' apply padding to the document bounds
NDrawingView1.DocumentPadding = New Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(10)
' init document
' create the flowcharting shapes factory
Dim factory As NFlowChartingShapesFactory = New NFlowChartingShapesFactory(NDrawingDocument1)
' modify the connectors style sheet
Dim styleSheet As NStyleSheet = NDrawingDocument1.StyleSheets.GetChildByName(NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet, -1)
Dim textStyle As NTextStyle = New NTextStyle()
textStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = True
textStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderWidth = New NLength(0)
styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = textStyle
styleSheet.Style.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black)
styleSheet.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black)
styleSheet.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black)
' create the begin shape
Dim begin As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Termination)
begin.Bounds = New NRectangleF(100, 100, 100, 100)
begin.Text = "BEGIN"
' create the step1 shape
Dim step1 As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Process)
step1.Bounds = New NRectangleF(100, 400, 100, 100)
step1.Text = "STEP1"
' connect begin and step1 with bezier link
Dim bezier As NBezierCurveShape = New NBezierCurveShape()
bezier.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
bezier.Text = "BEZIER"
bezier.FirstControlPoint = New NPointF(100, 300)
bezier.SecondControlPoint = New NPointF(200, 300)
bezier.FromShape = begin
bezier.ToShape = step1
' create question1 shape
Dim question1 As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Decision)
question1.Bounds = New NRectangleF(300, 400, 100, 100)
question1.Text = "QUESTION1"
' connect step1 and question1 with line link
Dim line As NLineShape = New NLineShape()
line.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
line.Text = "LINE"
line.FromShape = step1
line.ToShape = question1
' create the step2 shape
Dim step2 As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Process)
step2.Bounds = New NRectangleF(500, 100, 100, 100)
step2.Text = "STEP2"
' connect step2 and question1 with HV link
Dim hv1 As NStep2Connector = New NStep2Connector(False)
hv1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
hv1.Text = "HV1"
hv1.FromShape = step2
hv1.ToShape = question1
' connect question1 and step2 and with HV link
Dim hv2 As NStep2Connector = New NStep2Connector(False)
hv2.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
hv2.Text = "HV2"
hv2.FromShape = question1
hv2.ToShape = step2
' create a self loof as bezier on step2
Dim selfLoop As NBezierCurveShape = New NBezierCurveShape()
selfLoop.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
selfLoop.Text = "SELF LOOP"
selfLoop.FromShape = step2
selfLoop.ToShape = step2
' create step3 shape
Dim step3 As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Process)
step3.Bounds = New NRectangleF(700, 600, 100, 100)
step3.Text = "STEP3"
' connect question1 and step3 with an HVH link
Dim hvh1 As NStep3Connector = New NStep3Connector(False, 50, 0, True)
hvh1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
hvh1.Text = "HVH1"
hvh1.FromShape = question1
hvh1.ToShape = step3
' create end shape
Dim [end] As NShape = factory.CreateShape(FlowChartingShapes.Termination)
[end].Bounds = New NRectangleF(300, 700, 100, 100)
[end].Text = "END"
' connect step3 and end with VH link
Dim vh1 As NStep2Connector = New NStep2Connector(True)
vh1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
vh1.Text = "VH1"
vh1.FromShape = step3
vh1.ToShape = [end]
' connect question1 and end with curve link (uses explicit ports)
Dim curve As NRoutableConnector = New NRoutableConnector(RoutableConnectorType.DynamicCurve)
curve.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet
curve.Text = "CURVE"
curve.StartPlug.Connect(CType(IIf(TypeOf question1.Ports.GetChildAt(3) Is NPort, question1.Ports.GetChildAt(3), Nothing), NPort))
curve.EndPlug.Connect(CType(IIf(TypeOf [end].Ports.GetChildAt(1) Is NPort, [end].Ports.GetChildAt(1), Nothing), NPort))
curve.InsertPoint(1, New NPointF(500, 600))
' set a shadow to the document. Since styles are inheritable all objects will reuse this shadow
NDrawingDocument1.Style.ShadowStyle = New NShadowStyle(ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.Gray, New NPointL(5, 5), 1, New NLength(3))
' shadows must be displayed behind document content
NDrawingDocument1.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindDocument
' end NDrawingDocument1 init
' end view init
End Sub