Diagram for .NET / Getting Started / Integrating ThinWeb Diagram / Server Settings
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    Server Settings
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    This topic discusses the server settings relevant to Nevron Diagram ThinWeb - the common ThinWeb control server settings are described in the Common Server Settings topic.

    Diagram Tiling Mode

    Some diagrams can become very large - for example when you zoom in the diagram or simply when the represented document contains many shapes. The TilingMode mode property of the diagram controls whether the diagram image should be partitioned into tiles which are then send to the client or generate a single larger image. The following table lists the available options:

    DiagramTilingMode Description
    Auto (default) Diagram images with height and width in pixels below the AutoTilingThreshold (default value 800) will be send as single image, otherwise the diagram will be partioned on tiles with size specified by the TileSize property.


    The diagram image is always split into tiles.
    Disabled The diagram will always render as single image.

    The following code snippet specifies that the diagram must always use tiling with size 500x500 pixels:

    Copy Code

    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.TilingMode = DiagramTilingMode.Enabled;
    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.TileSize =
    new NSize(500, 500);

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.TilingMode = DiagramTilingMode.Enabled
    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.TileSize =
    New NSize(500, 500)

     Loader Images

    When the control uses tiling you can instruct the control to display AJAX loader images when a tile is waiting for the server to render. This is controlled by the ShowLoaderImages property of the server settings object:

    Copy Code

    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.ShowLoaderImages = true;

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    NThinDiagramControl1.ServerSettings.ShowLoaderImages = True

    By default loader images are turned off as they clutter the display and are generally not necessary if you have relatively high speed connection to the server.