Diagram for .NET / User's Guide / Extensions / Print Manager

Print Manager
The print manager extension can help you implement document printing functionality. It is represented by the NPrintManager class whose one and only constructor by design requires a reference to the document, which must be printed.
Copy Code
// create a new print manager
NPrintManager printManager = new NPrintManager(document);
Visual Basic
Copy Code
' create a new print manager
Dim printManager As New NPrintManager(document)
 Print layout

The print manager can print a document in multiple pages (if the document is not small enough to fit in a single page). If the document cannot fit in one page you can also instruct it to print the entire document on a single page. Whether or not the document is printed on a single page is controlled by the PrintOnSinglePage property. Since the document must be scaled in order to fit to the page you can also modify the SinglePageLayout property to instruct the manager what type of canvas layout it must use.

For example:

Copy Code
// print the document on multiple pages without rescaling
printManager.PrintOnSinglePage = false;
// print the document on a single page, by fitting it in the print margins
printManager.PrintOnSinglePage = true;
printManager.SinglePageLayout = CanvasLayout.Fit;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
' print the document on multiple pages without rescaling
printManager.PrintOnSinglePage = False
' print the document on a single page, by fitting it in the print margins
printManager.PrintOnSinglePage = True
printManager.SinglePageLayout = CanvasLayout.Fit
 Print setting
You can easily control the page and printer settings by the PageSettings and PrinterSettings properties. You also have control over the graphics settings used for printing via the GraphicsSettings property.
 Related Examples
Windows Forms: Extensions - Print Manager 
See Also