Diagram for .NET / User's Guide / Layouts / Cells Layouts / Table Layout

Table Layout

The table layout is represented by the NTableLayout class. The table layout is a directed cells layout, which places the cells in lanes, which flow in the current layout direction and preserves tabular metrics. The layout direction is controlled by the Direction property. 

In the classical case of a left-to-right table layout, the table layout will create as many columns as possible in order not to break the basic constrains (size or ordinal) or the additional tabular metric constrain, which is to place cells from the same column one below the other.

The basic constrain of the layout is specified by the ConstrainMode property, which takes a value from the CellConstrainMode enumeration: 

  • Size - the layout creates as many columns/rows (depending on the direction orientation) as needed, in such a way that no column/row goes outside the layout area.
  • Ordinal - the layout creates a fixed set of column/rows (depending on the direction orientation) as specified by the MaxOrdinal property setting. For example: in the case of a left-to-right direction, ordinal constrain mode and MaxOrdinal of 5 the table will have 5 columns. 

The minimal vertical spacing between the cells is controlled the VerticalSpacing property. The minimal horizontal spacing between the cells is respectively controlled by the HorizontalSpacing property. 

You can optionally instruct the layout to use equal cell sizes, which is specified by setting the EqualCellsSize property to true. In this case all cells are sized to the largest width and height observed in all cells.

 Related Examples
Windows Forms: Layouts - Table Layout
See Also