Diagram for .NET / User's Guide / Conceptual Overview / Vector and Raster Graphics

Vector and Raster Graphics

This topic explains the differences between vector and raster graphics and explains how they are employed in the Nevron Diagram for .NET product.

 Vector Graphics

Vector graphics use a set of primitives (lines, beziers, polygons, curves etc.) to define a graphics output. This approach has a lot of advantages the major ones of which are:

  • Scaling - vector based graphics scale much better than raster based graphics. This makes them a preferred choice for graphics,  which should be device independent (need to be printed for example).
  • Memory Footprint - vector based graphics generally produce a smaller memory footprint, which is not a function of the graphics output size.
  • Interactivity - vector based graphics programs provide a much better support for interactive editing and modification of the image without loss of quality or information.
  • Drawing Decoration and Aids - the vector based graphics approach allows for much more decorations and drawing aids, since the drawing is geometrically defined.

Nevron Diagram for .NET uses vector graphics to define its drawing content (e.g. shapes are constructed from vector primitives). The content of the drawing can also be exported to vector based formats (for example SVG).

 Raster Graphics

Raster graphics use bitmaps to define a graphics output. Ultimately even vector graphics are converted to raster graphics when they need to be displayed (or printed). The process of converting vector graphics to raster graphics is called rasterization. Raster graphics have the following advantages:

  • Effects - there are a number of applications, which require nice effects. In general vector graphics alone produce nicely scalable, but not visually stunning images. Raster graphics allow for image filter effects, which can greatly contribute to the overall appearance of the drawing. Other effects like antialiasing and transparency are also applicable for raster graphics.
  • Speed - in many cases it is better to simply draw a bitmap than rasterize a vector based graphic.

In Nevron Diagram for .NET image filter effects can be applied on all types of primitives including texts. Some types of shadows are also implemented with the help of image filters. Where possible the diagram caches bitmaps of vector based content in order to optimize the component speed performance. The content of the drawing can also be exported to raster based formats (for example BMP, PNG, JPEG etc.)