Framework / Presentation Layer / Editors / Appearance Styles Editors / Text Style Editor

Text Style Editor

The Nevron Text Style Editor provides complete visual editing for the properties, which get or set an instance of the NTextStyle class. It is exposed by the NTextStyleTypeEditor class. 

 Applying the Editor to a Property

The following example demonstrates how to apply the text style type editor to a property:

Copy Code
// Text Style property edited by the text style editor 
[Editor(typeof(NTextStyleTypeEditorNoAutomatic), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public NTextStyle TextStyle
  return m_TextStyle;
  m_TextStyle = value;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
` Text Style property edited by the text style editor
<Editor(GetType(NTextStyleTypeEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor))> _
Public Property TextStyle() As Nevron.GraphicsCore.NTextStyle
  Return m_TextStyle
    End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As Nevron.GraphicsCore.NTextStyle)
  m_TextStyle = Value
    End Set
End Property
 Showing the Editor from Code

The NTextStyleTypeEditor can also be used to show the Text Style Editor via the Edit static method. For example:

Copy Code
NTextStyle inTextStyle = new NTextStyle();
NTextStyle resultTextStyle;
NTextStyleTypeEditor.Edit(inTextStyle, false, out resultTextStyle);
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim inTextStyle As NTextStyle = New NTextStyle()
Dim resultTextStyle As NTextStyle
Dim okPressed As Boolean = NTextStyleTypeEditor.Edit(inTextStyle, False, resultTextStyle)

This method returns a boolean value, which indicates whether the user pressed the OK button.

 Text Style Editor User Interface
  • Use automatic check - the text style editor can optionally have its Use automatic check enabled. If it is enabled the initial state of the check indicates whether the currently edited text style belonged to the object exposing the edited text style property, or was automatically obtained from the framework (via style inheritance or other property inheritance mechanizm). If you check the Use automatic check and click on the OK button the resulting text style will be null.
  • Text tab - the text tab defines the font name, size and style (Italic, Bold, Underline and/or Strikeout).

  • Position tab -
  • Fill Style tab defines the fill style of the text. Embeds the Fill Style Editor.
  • Shadow Style tab - defines the shadow which the text drops. Embeds the Shadow Style Editor.
  • Border Style tab - defines the border style of the text. Embeds the Stroke Style Editor.
  • Backplane Style tab - defines the backplane style of the text. The backplane style is also a composition of other basic styles.

    Visible check - if the check box is checked the backplane is visible and can be edited. If it is not checked the backplane is hidden and its tabs are disabled.

    Appearance tab - lets you specify the backplane shape and the amount with which it is inflated (padded) from the text bounding box.

    Fill Style tab - defines the fill style of the backplane. Embeds the Fill Style Editor.

    Shadow Style tab - defines the shadow style of the backplane. Embeds the Shadow Style Editor.

    Standard Frame Style tab - defines the frame of the backplane as a standard frame. Embeds the standard frame style editor (see the Frame Style Editor for more information about the standard frame editor).
See Also