In a nut shell texture mapping is controlled by the MapLayout and MapMode properties of the NTextureMappingStyle object. There are three mapping modes:
- MapMode.RelativeToViewer - in this mapping mode the texture coordinates are computed relatively to the viewer and this is why the texture appears to be moving inside the object when you rotate or scale it.
- MapMode.RelativeToObject - in this mapping mode the texture coordinates are calculated relatively to the object position and this is why the texture mapping does not change when you rotate or move your objects. This is the most common mapping type.
- MapMode.Sphere - this mapping mode can be used if you want to achieve special visual effects like mirror or reflection, however using it properly requires an appropriate texture. This is why sphere mapping is not described in this tutorial - if you want to use this feature you must have an in-depth understanding of 3D visualization.
When the mapping mode is set to MapMode.RelativeToObject (which is the default) there are several map layout strategies:
- MapLayout.Stretched - this mapping layout stretches the texture along the X and Y axes until it fits the object. It does not preserve the original texture dimensions ratio (aspect).
- MapLayout.Fitted - stretches the texture until it fits along X or Y, by choosing the smaller stretch. This layout mode preserves the texture dimensions ratio (aspect).
- MapLayout.Centered - similar to fitted. When used on the background object it also preserves the original texture dimensions.
- MapLayout.Tiled - repeats the texture along the X and Y axes. This layout mode preserves the texture dimensions ratio (aspect).
- MapLayout.StretchedToWidth - stretches the texture by width until it fits. This layout mode preserves the texture dimensions ratio (aspect).
- MapLayout.StretchedToHeight - the same as StretchedToWidth except that it stretches along the Y axis. This layout mode preserves the texture dimensions ratio (aspect).
- MapLayout.CropFitted - stretches the texture until it fits along X or Y by choosing the bigger stretch. This layout mode preserves the texture dimensions ratio (aspect).