Framework / Thin Web / Custom Requests
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    Custom Requests
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    Custom Requests allow you to initiate an AJAX update of the ThinWeb control from the client. In order to do that you must first ensure that you can reference the ThinWeb client host div by setting a custom StateId on the server - for example:

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    thinWebControl.StateId = "ThinWebControl1";
    Visual Basic
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    thinWebControl.StateId = "ThinWebControl1";

    Then using JavaScript you can send custom requests to the control:

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    <script language='javascript'>

    function UpdateThinWebControl() {

    NClientNode.GetFromId("ThinWebControl1").ExecuteCustomRequest("Custom Request Parameter");



    On the server you need to register a custom request callback that is executed when the client sends a custom request to the server:

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      protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       if (!thinWebControl.Initialized)
        // Set manual ID so that it can be referenced in JavaScript
        thinWebControl.StateId = "ThinWebControl1";

        // register a custom request callback
        thinWebControl.CustomRequestCallback = new CustomRequestCallback();


      public class CustomRequestCallback : INCustomRequestCallback
       #region INCustomRequestCallback Members

       void INCustomRequestCallback.OnCustomRequestCallback(NAspNetThinWebControl control, string argument)
        // Modify the control document here and call Update to refresh the client content


     Related Examples

    Nevron Chart\Web Forms\ThinWeb\Custom Requests