Framework / Presentation Layer / Graphics / Appearance Styles / Background Style

In This Topic
Background Style
In This Topic

The background style is represented by an instance of the NBackgroundStyle class. It is used to define the background of controls, documents and other objects. The background style is composed from a NFillStyle and NFrameStyle objects. The NFillStyle object of the background style controls the filling of the background. The following code will apply a dark blue filling on on the background:

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someObject.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.DarkBlue);
Visual Basic
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someObject.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle((Color.DarkBlue)

The following code will apply an image frame with applied gradient to the background:

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NImageFrameStyle imageFrameStyle = new NImageFrameStyle();
imageFrameStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.White, Color.DarkBlue);
someObject.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle = imageFrameStyle;
Visual Basic
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Dim imageFrameStyle as New NImageFrameStyle()
imageFrameStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.White, Color.DarkBlue)
someObject.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle = imageFrameStyle
See Also