Framework / Presentation Layer / Smart Shapes / Shape Sheet / Scratch Section

In This Topic
Scratch Section
In This Topic

The scratch section is used as a worksheet, which typically stores reoccuring and complex formulas. In this way it is used as a cache which geometry commands and control points often use. It is an optional section, which is represented by an instance of the NScratchSection class. This section is created and accessed by the ScratchSection property:

Copy Code
// create the scratch section and add a scratch row
sheet.ScratchSection = new NScratchSection();
sheet.ScratchSection.AddScratch(new NSingleFormulaCell("ABS(User.ControlX2-Width/2)"), new NSingleFormulaCell("ABS(User.ControlY1-Height/2)"), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""));
Visual Basic
Copy Code
' create the scratch section and add a scratch row
sheet.ScratchSection = New NScratchSection()
sheet.ScratchSection.AddScratch(new NSingleFormulaCell("ABS(User.ControlX2-Width/2)"), new NSingleFormulaCell("ABS(User.ControlY1-Height/2)"), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""), new NSingleFormulaCell(""))
 Scratch Rows

The Rows collection of the scratch section is used to store scratch rows. They are represented by instances of the NScratchRow class. Currently this type of row defines six cells. In the scratch section their column names are X, Y, A, B, C and D. The column names are identical with the column names of the geometry section. In this way a sub-formula that you often use in the X cells of path command rows, can natively be placed in the X cell of a scratch row.

The following table summarizes the scratch row cells:

Cell Column Name Cell Type Description
X Single Accessible from the X property.
Y Single Accessible from the Y property.
A Single Accessible from the A property.
B Single Accessible from the B property.
C Single Accessible from the C property.
D Single Accessible from the D property.

See Also