Framework / Presentation Layer / Formula Sheet / Formula Sheet Overview

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Formula Sheet Overview
In This Topic

The Nevron Formula Sheet is a robust and extensible specification, which provides the components and applications, which use it with the ability to base their entire behavior and appearance on formulas. The basic concept behind the formula sheet is that it provides a convenient and well defined way to store formula cells, which can be used for the formula definition of nearly all object aspects. Following is a list of the major formula sheet features:

  • Formula Sheet - implemented is a generic formula sheet, which is in essence a collection of formula sections and governs the way in which cells evaluate their values.
  • Formula Sections - the formula cells of a formula sheet are grouped in sections. Each section can have two types of cells - named cells and cells, which reside in formula rows.
  • Formula Rows - formula rows can optionally be stored in every formula section. Each formula row can have an arbitrary number of formula cells.
  • Formula Cells - formula cells are the atomic units, which store the values in a formula sheet. Each formula cell can store either a constant value or a value, which is the result of a formula evaluation. Cells can communicate with each other via cell references (e.g. you can reference the value of another formula cells in the cell formula).

The Nevron Formula Sheet is based on the Nevron Formula Engine, with which you must be familiar, if you want to fully understand the Nevron Formula Sheet.

All code examples in this chapter assume that the Nevron.Presentation.dll assembly is referenced by your project and you are using the Nevron.FormulaSheet namespace:

Copy Code
using Nevron.FormulaSheet;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Imports Nevron.FormulaSheet
See Also