Chart for .NET / About Nevron Chart for .NET / Porting From Older Versions / About Porting from 2012.1 to 2014.1
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    About Porting from 2012.1 to 2014.1
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    This topic describes the differences in the programming model between Nevron Chart for .NET 2012.1 and Nevron Chart for .NET .

     Interactivity Features

    All Desktop related interactivity features, such as tools, mouse events etc. are moved to the Nevron.Chart.Windows namespace. This is required because these classes are shared between the WinForm and Wpf contorls. The following code snippet shows how to port previous code to the new version:

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    using Nevron.Chart.Winform;



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    using Nevron.Chart.WinForm;

    using Nevron.Chart.Windows;


     Panel Dock Property

    The panel Dock property is renamed to DockMode, which accepts values from the PanelDockMode enum. This is required in order to decouple the chart DOM from the WinForms assembly. The meaning of the members of the PanelDockMode enum is the same DockStyle. The following code snippet shows how to port previous code to the new version:

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    somePanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top;


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    somePanel.DockMode = PanelDockMode.Top;