Chart for .NET / User's Guide / Data Manipulation / Functions / Financial Functions / Directional Movement / Average Directional Movement

Average Directional Movement

The Average Directional Movement is implemented as a composite function. It uses the Directional Movement Index function and the Modified Moving Average. The expression is:

MMA( DMI(close; high; low; period) ; period )
The function calculates the Moving Average (MMA) of the Directional Movement Index (DMI). The arguments of the DMI are described in the "Directional Movement Index" topic.
The result is an array.

The Average Directional Movement is a part of the Directional Movement System developed by J. Welles Wilder. The system consists of three lines:

- The Positive Direction Indicator (+DI) summarizes upward trend movement;
- The Negative Direction Indicator (-DI) summarizes downward trend movement;
- The Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) indicates whether the market is trending or ranging.

Declining ADX shows that the market is losing direction. When ADX falls below both +DI and -DI it signals a lifeless market. When ADX rises above both +DI and -DI it signals that the market is becoming overheated. The ADX is defined as a moving average of the Directional Movement Index. By default, the Modified Moving Average is used for smoothing with a period of 14 days. You can use another type of moving average by changing the original formula. For additional information about the DMI and the MMA functions, please see the "Directional Movement Index" and the "Modified Moving Average" topics.

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