Chart for .NET / Getting Started / Integrating in Windows Forms / NChartCommandBarsManager / Chart Commands

Chart Commands
The following table summarizes the currently available chart commands:

Chart Commands
Enum member Description
Open Loads the component state from file.
Save Saves the component state to file.
Export Chart Image Shows the Image Export dialog, which helps you export the chart as a raster (BMP, PNG, JPEG etc.) or vector (SVG) image.
Print Shows the built-in print manager.
Show Chart Editor Shows the Chart Editor dialog
Show Chart Wizard Shows the Chart Wizard dialog
Nudge Left Moves the currently controlled chart to the left with the value specified by the HorizontalMoveStep property of the commander. Initially set to 5% of the parent size.
Nudge Right Moves the currently controlled chart to the right with the value specified by the HorizontalMoveStep property of the commander. Initially set to 5% of the parent size.
Nudge Top Moves the currently controlled chart to the top with the value specified by the VerticalMoveStep property of the commander. Initially set to 5% of the parent size.
Nudge Bottom Moves the currently controlled chart to the bottom with the value specified by the VerticalMoveStep property of the commander. Initially set to 5% of the parent size.
Render Device Controls the rendering device. Currently supported are GDI+ (2D rendering) and OpenGL (3D rendering) devices.
Render Surface Controls the rendering surface. Currently supported are bitmap and window rendering surfaces.
Background Fill Style Controls the fill style of the background. This commands shows the Fill Style editor dialog for the background fill style.
Background Frame Style Controls the frame style of the background.
Mouse Select tool This tool is used to interactively change the chart selection via the mouse
Trackball tool This tool helps you interactively change the camera position (rotate it around the chart) and is only supported for 3D rendering devices.
Mouse Zoom tool This tool helps you interactively zoom in and out the chart and is supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
Mouse Offset tool This tool helps you interactively offset(move) the chart and is supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
Rotate Left Decreases the currently selected chart rotation with the step specified by the commander RotationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Rotate Right Increases the currently selected chart rotation with the step specified by the commander RotationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Elevation Down Increases the currently selected chart elevation with the step specified by the commander ElevationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Elevation Up Decreases the currently selected chart elevation with the step specified by the commander ElevationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Viewer Rotation Left Decreases the currently selected chart viewer rotation with the step specified by the commander RotationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Viewer Rotation Right Increases the currently selected chart viewer rotation with the step specified by the commander RotationStep property. This command is only supported for 3D renderinging devices.
Perspective Projection Enables the predefined perspective projection. This command is supported only for 3D renderinging devices
Orthogonal Projection Enables the predefined orthogonal projection. This command is supported only for 3D renderinging devices
View 2D Enables the predefined 2D projection. This command is supported only for 3D renderinging devices
Predefined Projection Loops through or helps you select one of the predefined projections. This command is supported only for 3D renderinging devices
Toggle Lighting Enables/disables the lighting model
Predefined Lighting Model This command helps you select one of the predefined lighting models
Decrease Chart Depth Decreases the depth of the currently selected chart. Supported for 3D rendering devices only.
Increase Chart Depth Increases the depth of the currently selected chart. Supported for 3D rendering devices only.
Decrease Chart Width Decreases the width of the currently selected chart. Supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
Increase Chart Width Increases the width of the currently selected chart. Supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
Decrease Chart Height Decreases the height of the currently selected chart. Supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
Increase Chart Height Increases the height of the currently selected chart. Supported for both 2D and 3D rendering devices.
 Related Examples
Windows forms: User Interface\Command Bars
See Also