When we talk about deployment in the context of ASP.NET it is in general the process of replicating your ASP .NET application on the production server. An ASP.NET application is defined as "All the Web pages (.aspx and HTML files), handlers, modules, executable code, and other files (such as images and configuration files) that can be invoked from a virtual directory and its subdirectories on a Web server. An ASP.NET application includes the project DLL (if the code-behind features of .aspx files are used) and typically other assemblies that are used to provide functionality for the application. These assemblies are located in the bin folder underneath the virtual directory of the application." Therefore when you use Nevron Chart for .NET its assemblies become an integral part of your application.
Nevron Chart for .NET consists of several assemblies some of which may be used by your applications and others not. To review the list of required assemblies for Nevron Chart for .NET check out the Deployment Guidelines topic.
We recommend that you deploy the chart assemblies as private assemblies (e.g. assemblies that are present in your ASP .NET application bin folder). If you use this approach you'll not have to register the chart assemblies in GAC. In order to achieve this you must set the Copy Local settings for each assembly to True.
Another common issue related with ASP .NET deployment is the temporary directory used by the control to store the images generated by the control when the clients request a web page. By default the chart assumes that the temporary directory is called NevronTemp and that it's located under the wwwroot folder on your web server. This of course can be altered - for more information check out the Temporary files topic. This directory must have read, write and browse folder contents permissions for the ASP .NET account - otherwise the component will not be able to store images in this folder and a security exception is thrown. Note that if your application uses the direct image or SVG stream to browser features you do not have to create the NevronTemp directory on the server.