The assembly Nevron.Graphics2D.dll has been removed, because the 2D rendering of the chart is now done with the same 2D device used in the diagram. You must remove all references to the Nevron.Graphics2D.dll from your project(s) as well as all namespace import statements.
All tools related to the WinForms interactivity features such as NAxisScrollTool, NTrackballTool etc. as well as the NSelection and NController classes are moved from the Nevron.Chart namespace to the Nevron.Chart.WinForm namespace.
The constructors of all transformations converting scale or model coordinates to view coordinates and vice versa now require an additional parameter called context. This is required by the new Document - View - Controller architecture of the chart. You can easily obtain the rendering context of the chart control by accessing the NChartControl.View.Context property. The following code snippet shows how a typical coordinate transformation code should look like:\
[Visual Basic]
Dim model3DToViewTransformation As New NModel3DToViewTransformation(NChartControl1.View.Context, NChartControl1.Charts(0).Projection)
model3DToViewTransformation.Transform(someModelPoint, resultViewPoint)
NModel3DToViewTransformation model3DToViewTransformation = new NModel3DToViewTransformation(NChartControl1.View.Context, NChartControl1.Charts[0].Projection);
model3DToViewTransformation.Transform(someModelPoint, ref resultViewPoint);