The Quick Point series contains a only a subset of the functionality of the NPointSeries but features improved rendering performance in both 2D and 3D.
Creating a Quick Point series
Point series are represented by the NPointSeries type. An instance of this type must be added to the series collection of a Cartesian chart.
C# |
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NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
NQuickPointSeries quickPoint = new NQuickPointSeries();
Visual Basic |
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Dim chart As NChart = NChartControl1.Charts(0)
Dim quickPoint As New NQuickPointSeries
Once the point series is created you can add some data in it. Point series use the Values data series for elevation values, the XValues data series - for x position values and the ZValues data series for depth position values:
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Visual Basic |
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The quick point series does not support marker styles, shadows, data labels etc. The only attribute that is supported per data point is color. The Colors data series can be accessed from the
Colors property.
Controlling the points shape
The shape of the point segments can be controlled from the PointShape property. It accepts values from the PointShape enumeration. For example the following code will display the points as pyramids:
C# |
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point.PointShape = PointShape.Pyramid;
Visual Basic |
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point.PointShape = PointShape.Pyramid
By default the PointShape property is set to Bar. The size of the points is controlled through the Size property, which is of type NLength. The point size can be specified as percentage of the chart size:
C# |
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point.Size = new NLength(1, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
Visual Basic |
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point.Size = New NLength(1, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage)
Windows forms: Chart Gallery\Quick Point\Quick Point