Chart for .NET / User's Guide / Axes / Scale / Manually Programming the Scale / Manually Programming the Scale

In This Topic
Manually Programming the Scale
In This Topic

In most of the cases you’ll not have to directly program the Scale and you'll use only the Scale Configurator. You can safely skip the topics in this book if you feel that you’ll not need advanced scaling features. However some basic knowledge on the scale definition is useful to understand how the scale configurator works.

Each Scale in Nevron Chart goes through one or more stages depending on its visibility and position in the chart. Following is a brief description of each stage:

  1. Calculation

    This is the process of calculating how the scale transforms Logical to Scale coordinates. Logical coordinates are the coordinates specified by series that scale on the axis. Scale coordinates are coordinates that are used to draw the content of the series when transformed trough the scale. After this stage is completed you can safely obtain the min/max values of the scale or transform coordinates through it.

    Note: All scales that are used by the chart will pass through scale calculation stage even if they are not visible. The scale visibility is controlled by the Visible property of the axis.
  2. Decoration

    The decoration stage means that the ticks, labels, strip lines and grid lines of the visible scales will be created and stored in the axis definition.

  3. Measurement

    The measurement stage will measure all decorations in the scale and determine their initial layout in the scale levels. The layout may be altered by the scale level layouts in the next stage.

  4. Layout

    Scale levels that contain labels will be checked for overlapping labels and overlapping will be resolved by applying a label layout that does not produce overlapping labels.

  5. Rendering

    The scale is rendered on the chart.

See Also