Chart for .NET / About Nevron Chart for .NET / Porting From Older Versions / Porting_from_2014.1_to_2015.1

This topic describes the differences in the programming model between Nevron Chart for .NET 2014.1 and Nevron Chart for .NET 2015.1.

 Line Studies Anchors

The line studies anchors have been removed. Instead you can now attach a line study to an arbitrary scale coordinate. Code that previously looked like:

Copy Code
lineStudy.Anchor.FirstDataPointIndex = firstDataPointIndex;
lineStudy.Anchor.FirstDataPointValue = DataPointValue.StockLow;
lineStudy.Anchor.SecondDataPointIndex = secondDataPointIndex;
lineStudy.Anchor.SecondDataPointValue = DataPointValue.StockHigh;

translates to:

Copy Code

private NPointD GetHighPointFromStock(NStockSeries stock, int dataPointIndex)
NPointD result;

result.X = (double)stock.XValues[dataPointIndex];
result.Y = (double)stock.HighValues[dataPointIndex];

return result;

private NPointD GetLowPointFromStock(NStockSeries stock, int dataPointIndex)
NPointD result;

result.X = (double)stock.XValues[dataPointIndex];
result.Y = (double)stock.LowValues[dataPointIndex];

return result;

lineStudy.BeginPoint = GetLowPointFromStock(stock, firstDataPointIndex);
lineStudy.EndPoint = GetHighPointFromStock(stock, secondDataPointIndex);

 Inverted 2D Coordinate System

The coordinate system for 2D charts has been inverted. In 2014.1 and previous versions the Y model coordinate pointed upwards (traditional Cartesian coordinate system). For performance reasons the coordinate system now points downwards. Code that relies on this orientation should be update accordingly.

 Backplane Inflate
The NBackplaneStyle class Inflate property has been deprecated. You should now use the Padding property that allows for control over the Left, Top, Right and Bottom padding versus the width or height inflate that was previously available.