Chart for .NET / User's Guide / Image Export / Image Formats

In This Topic
Image Formats
In This Topic

Nevron Chart for .NET can export images in different raster and vector formats. Each supported format is represented by a corresponding class that lets you specify export options. All image format classes implement the INImageFormat interface.

The following table describes the supported raster formats and their corresponding classes.


Raster Image Format Corresponding Type Features
Bitmap NBitmapImageFormat
PNG NPngImageFormat
Jpeg NJpegImageFormat Setting for quality of the exported image.
Gif NGifImageFormat
Tiff NTiffImageFormat


The following table describes the supported raster formats and their corresponding classes. Currently vector export is supported only for 2D charts.


Vector Image Format Corresponding Type Features
PDF NPdfImageFormat Setting for compression of the PDF content streams.
SWF (Flash) NSwfImageFormat
XAML (Silverlight) NXamlImageFormat Setting for the format of the embedded images.
SVG NSvgImageFormat Supports compression, embedded images format setting, custom script. Please see the SVG Export Settings topic for more information.
EMF (Metafile) NEmfImageFormat
See Also