Chart for .NET / User's Guide / Chart Types / Radar / Radar Chart Overview
In This Topic
    Radar Chart Overview
    In This Topic

    The radar chart (also known as spider or star chart) is a two-dimensional chart that shows the relationship between three or more variables represented on axes starting from the same point.

     Single And Multi Measure Radar

    There are two types of radar charts - single and multi measure. Single measure radar charts are used when you want to compare values with common measurement and magnitude. The following picture shows a multi vitamin comparison chart that compares the ingredients of two sample multi vitamins as percentage of daily intake:

    Multi measure radar charts are used when you want to compare values that differ in magnitude and/or measure. The following picture shows a radar chart that compares Montana counties by several parameters such as population, housing units, water etc.

    As clear from the above picture different county parameters differ in both measure and magnitude. By default when you create a radar chart panel it will be configured as single measure radar. To switch to multi measure radar chart you must set the RadarMode property to RadarMode.MultiMeasure. The following code snippet shows how to do that:

    Copy Code

    NRadarChart radarChart = new NRadarChart();
    radarChart.RadarMode = RadarMode.MultiMeasure;

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Dim radarChart As New NRadarChart
    radarChart.RadarMode = RadarMode.MultiMeasure

     Radar Category Titles

    Each radar axis can be annotated with text labels. Those labels appear on the outer side of the radar rim and there are various properties you can touch to modify their appearance and alignment. This section describes those properties and how they work together.

    Title Angle

    The radar axis title angle is controlled from the TitleAngle property, which accepts an object of type NScaleLabelAngle. For more information take a look at the Scale Label Style topic which discusses how to configure the angle properties. The following code snippet applies horizontal orientation to the radar label:

    Copy Code

    NRadarAxis radarAxis = new NRadarAxis();
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis";
    radarAxis.TitleAngle =
    new NScaleLabelAngle(ScaleLabelAngleMode.View, 0);

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Dim radarAxis As NRadarAxis = New NRadarAxis()
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis"
    radarAxis.TitleAngle = New NScaleLabelAngle(ScaleLabelAngleMode.View, 0)

    Title Offset

    The title offset controls the distance between the radar axis title and the outer radar rim. Increasing this value will move the radar axis titles farther from the radar plot - the following code snippet applied a distance of 20pt between the radar rim and the title:

    Copy Code

    Dim radarAxis As NRadarAxis = New NRadarAxis()
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis"
    radarAxis.TitleOffset = New NLength(20)

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Dim radarAxis As NRadarAxis = New NRadarAxis()
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis"
    radarAxis.TitleOffset = New NLength(20)

    Title Position Mode

    The title position mode specifies how the title is positioned relative to the ray defined from the center of the radar chart and the radar axis. There are two options:

    RadarTitlePositionMode Description
    Center Title is positioned so that its center point lies on the radar axis vector (this is the default)
    NearestPoint Title is positioned so that the nearest point of the title that does not touch the radar rim lies on the radar axis vector

    The following pictures show how the labels will be positioned depending on the value of hte TitlePositionMode property:

    Center NearestPoint

    The following code snippet modifies the radar title position mode:

    Copy Code

    NRadarAxis radarAxis = new NRadarAxis();
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis";
    radarAxis.TitlePositionMode =

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Dim radarAxis As NRadarAxis = New NRadarAxis()
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Radar Axis"
    radarAxis.TitlePositionMode = RadarTitlePositionMode.NearestPoint


    Title Fit Mode

    The TitleFitMode property of the radar axis allows you to specify whether radar labels are wrapped or not. The possible values of this property are:

    RadarTitleFitMode Description
    None Radar axis titles are not fitted and will have their original width.
    Wrap Radar axis titles are wrapped so that their width does not exceed the value specified by the TitleMaxWidth property.

    The following code snippet modifies the title fit mode to wrap and specifies that labels should not exceed 50 points in width:

    Copy Code

    NRadarAxis radarAxis = new NRadarAxis();
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Some Long Radar Axis Title";
    radarAxis.TitleFitMode =
    radarAxis.TitleMaxWidth =
    new NLength(50);

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Dim radarAxis As NRadarAxis = New NRadarAxis()
    radarAxis.Title =
    "Some Long Radar Axis Title"
    radarAxis.TitleFitMode = RadarTitleFitMode.Wrap
    radarAxis.TitleMaxWidth =
    New NLength(50)

    Title Text Alignment

    When you have multi line radar axis titles it is sometimes necessary to specify left, right or center alignment depending on the position of the title relative to the radar center. This is achieved by setting the TitleAutomaticAlignment property to true:

    Copy Code

    radarAxis.TitleAutomaticAlignment = true;

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    radarAxis.TitleAutomaticAlignment = True

    The following picture shows the effect of this property:

     Related Examples

    Windows Forms : Chart Gallery \ Radar \ Multi Measure Radar
    Windows Forms : Chart Gallery \ Radar \ Radar Axis Titles

    Web Forms : Chart Gallery \ Radar \ Multi Measure Radar
    Web Forms : Chart Gallery \ Radar \ Radar Axis Titles


    See Also