Chart for .NET / User's Guide / Axes / Scale / Scale Configurators / Default Scale Configurators

Default Scale Configurators

Initially each Cartesian chart has five axes: PrimaryY, PrimaryX, SecondaryY, SecondaryX and Depth, where SecondaryY and SecondaryX are hidden. The following table shows the default scale configurator type of each axis:

Standard Cartesian Axis Default Scale Configurator
PrimaryY NLinearScaleConfigurator
PrimaryX NOrdinalScaleConfigurator
SecondaryY NLinearScaleConfigurator
SecondaryX NOrdinalScaleConfigurator
Depth NOrdinalScaleConfigurator

In practice this means that the chart is initially configured to display numeric data on its Y axes and categorical data on the X axes.

 Changing the Scale Configurator

In order to change the scale configurator for a particular axis you need to create an instance of the scale configurator that you want to apply and assign it to the scale configurator property of the respective axis. The following code shows how to change the scale configurator of the primary X axis to numeric so that it can better handle numeric data (commonly used when you need to display XY or XYZ scatter charts):

Copy Code
NChart chart = chartControl.Charts[0];
NAxis primaryX = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX);

NLinearScaleConfigurator linearScaleConfigurator = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
primaryX.ScaleConfigurator = linearScaleConfigurator;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim chart As NChart = chartControl.Charts(0)
Dim primaryX As NAxis = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX)

Dim linearScale As New NLinearScaleConfigurator
primaryX.ScaleConfigurator = linearScale
 Related Examples

Windows Forms: Axes \ Scaling \ Date Time Scale

Windows Forms: Axes \ Scaling \ Ordinal Scale

Windows Forms: Axes \ Scaling \ Numeric Scale

Windows Forms: Axes \ Scaling \ Logarithmic Scale

See Also